SUPERtrol II Flow Computer17Flowmeter TemperatureTransmitterPRINT50 –TIMECLEAR•MENUENTERHELPTEMP4PRE 13RATE2TOTAL1GRAND6SCROLL7PRE 28DENS9PressureTransmitter3.7 Gas Combustion HeatMeasurements:A flowmeter measures the actual volume flow in a gas line. Temperature and pressuresensors are installed to measure temperature and pressure.Calculations:• Density, mass flow and combustion heat are calculated using gas characteristics storedin the flow computer.• With square law device measurement the actual volume is calculated from thedifferential pressure, taking into account temperature and pressure compensation.Output Results:• Display ResultsHeat, Mass or Volume Flow Rate, Resettable Total, Non-Resettable Total,Temperature, Pressure, Density (optional: peak demand, demand last hour,time/date stamp)• Analog OutputHeat, Mass or Volume Flow Rate, Temperature, Pressure, Density, PeakDemand, Demand Last Hour• Pulse OutputHeat, Mass or Volume Total• Relay OutputsHeat, Mass or Volume Flow Rate, Total, Pressure, Temperature Alarms, PeakDemand, Demand Last HourApplications:Calculate the energy released by combustion of gaseous fuels.GAS COMBUSTIONHEATCombustion Heat FlowP Tref ZrefCombustion Energy = C • ρref • Q • • •Pref T ZC = Specific combustion heatρref = Reference densityQ = Volume flowCalculationsGas CombustionHeat