CD-Plus is the usual test signal used in most measurement processes. It corresponds to theDVD signal in relation to its frequency distribution. The signal is a x 4 over sampling and it isalmost analog. This signal is also the internal generator signal.The signal CD-Normal is a measurement period of 1/3 s allows extremely fast results to beacquired. This makes the equalizing of filter switches very easy to carry out.The quality of measurement reproduction is constant even when operating with highfrequencies.Dolby Digital (DD) signals and PCM signals are located on the DVD.The surround test uses the surround test DVD and the DD signal as source.The DD and the PCM signal differ in their higher threshold frequencies. The DD signal has athreshold of 20kHz and the PCM signal 22kHz.The PCM signal is used for loudspeaker testing. It has a 24-bit resolution and a sample rate of48kHz. Up to 22kHz can be measured with this signal.The PCM signal is also used for digital measurements.IMPORTANT!The adjustments and system correction must comply with the test signal.7.2 THE BMH, B AND MH SIGNALFor measuring the BMH signal is used. It is a deterministic noise, a calculated signal, with thename M-PN (Metzner-Periodic-Noise). Through the function of a x 4 over sampling it is ananalog signal. One of the considerations during the development of the signal was the adoptionof the measurement technology to the later function of the instruments tested. A loudspeaker isfor the transmission of music and speech. In correspondence with this the capacity of theloudspeaker is defined for the frequency range. In accordance with DIN is the performance at100% total capacity as follows:Low frequency from 40Hz – 600Hz 62%Midrange from 600HZ – 4kHz 30%Tweeter from 4kHz – 20kHz 8%Because of its steady energy distribution the Pink-Noise signal is adapted to the frequencycharacteristic of the music. The MLS (Maximum Length Sequence) signal is the exact opposite.M-PN MLS31