9. GENERAL PARAMETERS9.1 RESOLUTIONThe resolution gives the scale of the Y-axis. Its upper limit is fixed at 0dB, which automaticallygives the lower limit a negative value. Reduction of the shown can thus be compared to azooming in to an existing diagram. ’Zooming’ presupposes, however, adequate transformer levelcontrol.9.2 SMOOTHINGThe parameter SMOOTH is there to smooth out a line described by a plot curve.The smoothing of the plot is set in the PARAMERTER menu.It is in the nature in particular of acoustical measurements to produce rather coarsegraphs. Such irregularities in the graph may blur its major characteristics, hence thesmoothing option.The SMOOTHING parameter determines the smoothing radius, which is the number ofprevious and subsequent measured values used in calculating the value currentlydisplayed. The setting range is displayed in octaves (1/24, 1/12, 1/6, 1/3, 1/2, 1).9.3 THE SMOOTHING FUNCTIONSmoothing implies that the different plots are redrawn, while the measured values remain intact.To return to the original (unsmoothed) plot, change the smoothing factor back to 0. Except forwaterfall diagrams where for optical reasons some smoothing is indispensable, a smoothingparameter 0 implies that there is actually no smoothing. Apart from such intended smoothingthere is no hidden measured value manipulation.The resultant of a smoothed plot is similar to that of a wobble measurement, or, in other words,the smoothing radius corresponds to the wobble range of the sinusoidal wave.38