21.2 ELECTRICAL PHASE MEASUREMENTThe electrical phase measurement is carry out in the Mag measure.21.2 IMPEDANCE PHASE MEASUREMENTWith the electrical phase measurement we can measure for example loudspeakers impedance.This measurement is essential for a fault free operation of loudspeakers. Large phase anglesshow a capacitive and inductive behaviour of the loudspeaker impedance. The result is anoverloading of the amplifier. The amplifier can also become instable and cause oscillation. Aftera system correction has been made available the loudspeaker can be connected to the clampsof the Testbox. Using the button IMPEDANCE we can switch from frequency responsemeasuring function to the impedance measuring function and activate phase measurementfunction. In phase the option ELECTRIC is selected.With the phase measurement the quality of soundcard and CD/DVD player are shown. Forfrequencies > 5kHz the measurements can be faulty. This is shown by the toward negativeangle descending curvature.Whilst measuring it is important that there are no other noise sources in the vicinity. Noises cancause the measurement to be incorrect because the loudspeaker acts like a microphone duringthe impedance measurement.21.3 ACOUSTICAL PHASE MEASUREMENTThe acoustical phase measurement of a loudspeaker can only be carried out in quiet rooms.This test is more sensitive to disturbances than the frequency response measurement. Strongreflection in the in which the test is being carried out can also influence results. In small roomsthe distance should not be less than 0.5m.The measurement should be carried out as a continuous measurement:The automatically phase calculation is highly complex and faults can occur. This can be easilyrecognized as the curvature will appear to be broken up. Next to the phase button there is adrop down list with a series of adjustment possibilities to support the measurement.Whilst the continuous measurement is running one of the three ranges are selected.63
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