17.2 SIGNALThe program has the capability to task various assignments.Before the measurement the signal has to be selected.For the measurement with the CD or DVD select the EXTERNAL SIGNALIt is possible to use either the CD or the DVD as a signal source for measuring. The CD is usedfor car interiors (most cars lacking a DVD Player). The surround sound system can only betested in conjunction with the DVD. The signal source and signal type are to be chosen in thesignal menu.The signals Normal und Plus are to be found on the CD.The signals Dolby Digital (DD) und PCM are to be found on the DVD.The signal DVD-PCM (intern) is for the internal generator17.3 MEASURING WITH CD, DVDThe signal for the Optitest can come either from CD or DVD player. The signals for the programare on the Auto-Test CD or the Surround-Test DVD. It is especially important for car soundsystems to use the CD. The advantages are:1. There are no complicated cable systems from ATB output to the (hard to reach)sound system input necessary. This is especially important when serial testing.2. The whole system is measured. The qualities of CD player, equaliser, amplifier andloudspeakers are tested at once. This is especially important when testing thesurround system. The qualities and adjustments of the Dolby Digital Decoder areincluded in the test.17.4 THE MEASUREMENTSAn especially important function of the Optitest measurement is the mean of the measurements.With this function the mean average of the measurement is in real-time, so that results can beread whilst measuring is in progress.50