Minarc T 223 ACDCOperating manual - ENControl knob functions in the main view:• TIG:>> Welding current adjustment>> Long press of the control knob button starts gas test (during the gas test, you can adjust the gas test time byturning the control knob)• MMA:>> Welding current adjustment>> Arc force adjustment• Cleaning and polishing:>> Current adjustment.3.2.2 Welding parametersThe Welding parameters view includes a start and stop curve for visualizing and adjusting the parameters for a weld.Many of the welding parameters are welding process specific and are visible and available for adjustment accord-ingly.1. Pre gas2. Upslope3. Hot start, positive values4. Hot start, negative values5. Minilog, positive values6. Minilog, negative values7. Downslope8. Water cooling9. VRD10. Min/Max current limit for remote control11. Post gas.The white line indicates that the parameter is on. The orange line indicates that the parameter value is currentlyadjustable. If the Auto value of a parameter is used, its numerical value is displayed below the start and stop curve.The parameters are explained in the 'Welding parameters' table below.© Kemppi 31 1922350 / 2413