Minarc T 223 ACDCOperating manual - ENWelding parametersTIG welding parametersThe parameters listed here are available for adjustment with the TIG welding process.Parameter Parameter value DescriptionPre gas 0.0 ... 10 s, Auto, step 0.1Default = AutoPre gas is a welding function that startsthe shielding gas flow before the arcignites. This ensures that the metal doesnot come into contact with air at the startof the weld. Used for all metals, but espe-cially for stainless steel, aluminum andtitanium.When Auto is selected the pre gas isdetermined automatically according tothe welding current.Upslope 0.0 ... 5 s, step 0.1Default = 0 sUpslope is a welding function thatdetermines the time, during which thewelding current gradually increases tothe desired welding current level at thestart of the weld.Hot start ON/OFFDefault = OFFWelding function that uses higher orlower welding current at the start of theweld. After the Hot start period the cur-rent changes to normal welding currentlevel. This facilitates the start of the weldespecially with aluminum materials. TheHot start time is used only in 2T triggermode.- Hot start level -80 ... +100 %, step 1Default = +30 %- Hot start time 0.1 ... 9.9 s, step 0.1Default = 1.2 sMinilog level -99 % ... 125 %, step 1Default = -80 %Minilog is a TIG welding function, whichallows using the torch switch to changebetween the welding current and Mini-log current which can be lower or higherthan the welding current. For moreinformation, refer to "Trigger logic func-tions" on page 37.For information on setting Minilog to ON,refer to "Minarc T 223 ACDC controlpanel" on page 28.Downslope 0.0 ... 1.5 s, step 0.1Default = 0.1 sDownslope is a welding function thatdetermines the time during which thewelding current gradually decreases tothe end current level.Post gas 0.0 ... 9.9 s, Auto, step 0.1Default = AutoPost gas is a welding function that con-tinues the shielding gas flow after the archas extinguished. This ensures that thehot weld does not come into contactwith air after the arc is extinguished, pro-tecting the weld and also the electrode.Used for all metals. Especially stainlesssteel and titanium require longer postgas times.When Auto is selected the post gas isdetermined automatically according tothe welding current.© Kemppi 33 1922350 / 2413