13Operation of remote control unitChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 710-key Remote and Keyboard10-key RemoteREMOTE CONTROL UNITRC-P0714T U VX Y ZW/.SPACE CHARAC.DELETE–SELECTOR ('DISC SKIP) MODESET/CLEAR /CHECK /P.MODEPOWERDISCDOWN UP7ENTER6CURSOR4 ¢1 ¡DOWN UPLEFT RIGHTCHARACTERRANDOM DISPLAYCONFIRMA B CD E F GREPEATBESTSELECTION32 4H J KL M N OP Q R S176 85+100 +1009I5263141 POWER( )2 Buttons for modes, display control and letters÷ CONFIRM÷ BEST SELECTION *Used for best selection registration and playback.÷ REPEAT÷ RANDOM÷ DISPLAY3 Buttons for selecting discs and entering special characters÷ DISC SELECTOR *Press to select a disc number.÷ Letter/special character buttons *Used for selection of disc numbers, as well as for character input.4 Buttons for basic operation÷ Stop (7)÷ ENTER/Play/Pause (6)÷ Search (1, ¡), CURSOR (LEFT/RIGHT) *Press to move the played position of disc at high speed. Used as cursor buttons at the timeof character input.÷ Skip (4,¢), CHARACTER (DOWN/UP)5 Buttons for entering numbers and letters *Used for selection of disc numbers and track numbers, as well as for character input.6 Buttons for programming and data entry÷ MODE *Press to switch the mode.÷ DELETE/CLEAR *Used to delete the entered contents. At the time of character input, characters are deleted.÷ SPACE/CHECK *Used to confirm the entered contents. Inserts a space at the time of character input.÷ CHARAC./P. MODE *Used for playback mode switching. At the time of character input, this button switchesbetween capital letters/small letters/numbers and special characters.÷ SET *Used for confirmation of mode settings. At the time of character input, one character isconfirmed and the cursor goes to the next digit.÷ DISC SKIP (DOWN/UP)The buttons with the same name as those on the main unit operate the same way as on the main unit.The buttons marked * are provided only on the remote control unit.Infrared ray systemModel : RC-P0714All operations can be controlled from both the 10-Key Remote and Keyboard remote control units.