29Registration of TitleChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7DD SI CC ER DA NI 3GIn regard to disc information readingThe entered title is read in to the disc with the followingtiming.÷ When the disc door is closed.÷ With closed disc door, when title input mode is finished.The display flashes.Do not move or exchange discs until the disc informationhas been read in.When there are discs for which the disc information already has beenread in, there may be no display.2 Press the SET button.3 Enter the track title.To enter the track title1 Select the track number.SET0D 10 TC 70CHARACTER4 ¢DOWN UPRANDOM DISPLAY32 4CONFIRMREPEAT176 85+100 +1009( )A B CD E F GBESTSELECTIONH I J KL M N OP Q R ST U VX Y ZW/.–SELECTOR'DISC10-Key Remote Keyboard4 ¢SET,<Q W E R T Y U I O PA S D F G H J K L :Z X C V B N M >/?.,,,,;@2!1 #3 $4 %5 ^6 &7 Q8 9 0 - +=( )÷ One character is set and the cursor goes to the next digit.÷ Repeat this to enter the track title.CAZ B =>Flashing cursor4 Store the track title.ENTER6ENTERPrevious track Next trackPrevious track Next track÷ Up to 20 track titles can be registered per disc by repeating steps from1 to 4 for each.To quit TITLE INPUT modePress the MODE button.IT LT IE TS RO !E O! M÷ To register another track titles in the same disc, repeat the entireprocedure of “To enter the track title“.To change the character typeSHIFTCHARAC./P.MODECAZ B =>caz b =>201 =>Capital letters : ABC.....XYZ.....1Small letters : abc.....xyz.....23 Numbers/symbols : 0 1 2 3.....7 8 9space ! " # $ % & ' () * + , - . / : ; < = >? @ ^ _ ` 0.....10-Key Remote Keyboard10-Key RemoteKeyboard÷ The type of characters which can be entered is switched each time theCHARAC. button is pressed.10-Key Remote Main unitHolding this button down,press a character ornumeric button.÷ To input a small (lowercase) letter or a symbol, press and hold SHIFTwhile press the desired character or numeric/symbol button.÷ If a desired character is not provided on the remote control buttons,input the character as follows. Press the CHARACTER (DOWN/UP)buttons or rotating the DISC SKIP knob until the desired character isdisplayed in the flashing cursor position. Then, press the SET button.