3Your New Kenwood 200-Disc Mega-ChangerChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Your New Kenwood 200-Disc CD ChangerWelcome to your new Kenwood 200-Disc CD Changer.CD-4700M is sold in USA. CD-4260M and CD-425M are sold in USA and Canada. DPF-J6030 is sold in other countries.UnpackingUnpack your new CD changer carefully and make sure that all the accessories are present:If any accessories are missing, or if the changer is damaged or fails to operate, notify your dealer immediately. If yourchanger was shipped to you directly, notify your shipper immediately. Kenwood recommends that you retain theoriginal carton and packing materials in case you need to move or ship the changer in the future.Keep this manual handy for future reference.AccessoriesAudio cable ..................... (1) System control cable .............. (1)Batteries (R6/AA) ............ (4)10-key Remote ................ (1)REMOTE CONTROL UNITRC-P0713T U VX Y ZW/.SPACE CHARAC.DELETE–SELECTOR. ('DISC SKIP) MODESET/CLEAR /CHECK /P.MODEPOWERDISCDOWN UP7ENTER6CURSOR4 ¢1 ¡DOWN UPLEFT RIGHTCHARACTERRANDOM DISPLAYCONFIRMA B CD E F GREPEATBESTSELECTION.32 4H J KL M N OP Q R S176 85+100 +1009IInfrared Remote Keyboard ...... (1),REMOTE CONTROL UNIT RC-KB2<POWER CONFIRM BESTSEL. TITLEINPUTROOMB ROOMBCURSORRCURSORLCONTPLAYDISCSELUSERFILENAMESUBOUTMONIT.DISCSKIPUPDISCSKIPDOWNCHARAC.SRCHDOWNCHARAC.SRCHUPREPEAT RANDOM DISPLAYDELETE+10 +1007 6 4 ¢ 1 ¡ENTER SETMODESHIFTSHIFTP.MODE CHECK CLEARSPACEQ W E R T Y U I O PA S D F G H J K L :Z X C V B N M >/?.,,,,;@2!1 #3 $4 %5 ^6 &7 Q8 9 0 - +=( )÷ 200-disc capacity÷ PC LINK function, which allows you to connect your PC to the CD player and download disc titles andtrack data from an Intenet site and register them in the CD player. This function can also be used to inputtitle data directly from the PC to the CD player or control it from the PC.÷ 10-key remote and infrared remote keyboard÷ Digital audio output÷ CD Text, which displays text from encoded CDs on the unit’s display÷ Disc and Track Naming, which allows you to program your own names for discs and tracks÷ Music Type File, which lets you organize your discs into specific musical types (such as Classical, Jazz,Rock), and then play them by type÷ User File, which lets you organize your discs into user file name (such as father, mother, children), andthen play them by nameThis CD changer offers the following exciting features :Your new changer can play the following disc types :÷ Standard 12 cm CDs÷ CDV (Video) and CDG (Graphics), although it will not display the video portionYou may not play 8 cm CD “singles.”Communication cable ..... (1)