MEASUREMENT OF THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN TWOPOINTS ON A WAVEFORMThis technique can be used to measure peak-to-peakvoltages.Procedure:1. Apply the signal to be measured to the INPUT jack. Setthe vertical MODE to the channel to be used (unappliedto CS-1020 and 1010). Set the AC-GND-DC to AC, ad-justing VOLTS/DIV and SWEEP TIME/DIV for a normaldisplay. Set the VARIABLE to CAL.2. Using the ¥ POSITION control, adjust the waveformposition such that one of the two points falls on a CRTgraduation line and that the other is visible on thedisplay screen.3. Using the <» POSITION control, adjust the secondpoint to coincide with the center vertical graduation line.4. Measure the vertical distance between the two pointsand multiply this by the setting of the VOLTS/DIV con-trol.If a probe is used, further multiply this by the attenua-tion ratio.Using the formula:Volts Peak-to-Peak= Vertical distance (div) x (VOLTS/DIV setting)x (probeattenuation ratio)Adjust to the centervertical scale with<> POSITION. Points to be measured(00)soNWyoe28as)Bsgo—_ &Oo oOoo5:>3Melei Adjust to the horizontalscale with 4 POSITION.Fig. 12[EXAMPLE]For the example, the two points are separated by 4.4 divi-sions vertically. Set the VOLTS/DIV setting be 0.2 V/divand the probe attenuation be 10:1. (See Fig. 12)Substituting the given value:Voltage between two points = 4.4 (div) x 0.2(V) x 10=8.8V20ELIMINATION OF UNDESIRED SIGNALCOMPONENTS (Unapplied to CS-1020 and 1010)The ADD feature can be conveniently used to cancel outthe effect of an undesired signal component whichsuperimposed on the signal you wish to observe.Procedure:1 . Apply the signal containing an undesired component tothe CH1 INPUT jack and the undesired signal itself aloneto the CH2 INPUT jack.. Set the vertical MODE to CHOP and SOURCE to CH2.Verify that CH2 represents the unwanted signal inreverse polarity. If necessary reverse polarity by settingCH2 to INV.. Set the vertical MODE to ADD, SOURCE to V. MODEand CH2 VOLTS/DIV and VARIABLE so that theundesired signal component is cancelled as much aspossible. The remaining signal should be the signal youwish to observe alone and free of the unwanted signal.Signal containing undesired component(Broken lines: undesired component envelope)Undesired component signal