by the number of cycles present in the given time span.If ‘x 10 MAG” is used multiply this further by 10.Note that errors will occur for displays having only a fewcycles.Using the formula:# of cyclesx ‘’x 10 MAG” valueHorizontal distance (div) x SWEEP TIME/DIV settingFreq=Seeee esosAAAGRRE RNRRaCount cycles between this portionFig. 16[EXAMPLE]For the example, within 7 divisions there are 10 cycles.The SWEEP TIME/DIV is 5 ys. (See Fig. 16)Substituting the given value:eq= —— = 285.7 kHz7 (div) x 5 (us)PULSE WIDTH MEASUREMENTSProcedure:1. Apply the pulse signal to the INPUT jack. Set the verticalMODE to the channel to be used (unapplied to CS-1020and 1010).2. Use the VOLTS/DIV, VARIABLE and ¥ POSITION to ad-just the waveform such that the pulse is easily observedand such that the center pulse width coincides with thecenter horizontal line on the CRT screen.3. Measure the distance between the intersection of thepulse waveform and the center horizontal line in divi-sions. Be sure that the VARIABLE is in the CAL. Multiplythis distance by the SWEEP TIME/DIV and by 1/10 is“*X 10MAG” mode is being used.Using the formula:Pulse width= Horizontal distance (div) x (SWEEP TIME/DIVsetting) x ‘‘x MAG 10’’value™ (1/10)22Adjust to the vertical scalewith <» POSITION100;90} ---+4---Align the waveformPulse length with the center using{at 50%) . POSITIONFig. 17[EXAMPLE]For the example, the distance (width) at the center horizon-tal line is 4.6 divisions and the SWEEP TIME/DIV is 0.2 ms.(See Fig. 17)Substituting the given value:Pulse width = 4.6 (div) xO0.2 ms=0.92 msPULSE RISETIME AND FALLTIME MEASUREMENTSFor risetime and falltime measurements, the 10% and90% amplitude points are used as starting and endingreference points.Procedure:1. Apply a signal to the INPUT jack. Set the vertical MODEto the channel to be used (unapplied to CS-1020 and1010).Use the VOLTS/DIV and VARIABLE to adjust thewaveform peak-to-peak height to six divisions.2. Using the ¥ POSITION contro! and the other controls,adjust the display such that the waveform is centeredvertically in the display. Set the SWEEP TIME/DIV to asfast a setting as possible consistent with observation ofboth the 10% and 90% points. Set the VARIABLE toCAL.2. Use the <» POSITION control to adjust the 10% pointto coincide with a vertical graduation line and measurethe distance in divisions between the 10% and 90%points on the waveform. Multiply this by the SWEEPTIME/DIV and also by 1/10, if ‘‘x 10 MAG” mode wasused.NOTE:Be sure that the correct 10% and 90% lines are used. Forsuch measurements the 0, 10, 90 and 100% points aremarked on the CRT screen.Using the formula:Risetime= Horizontal distance (div) x (SWEEP “TIME/DIVsetting) x ‘’x 10 MAG”’ value” (1/10)