ACCESSORIESSTANDARD ACCESSORIES INCLUDEDProbe (PC-30) sssiscsvcsssdieseasesseetecncerangeceeees Y87-2260-00Attenuation. .........cccccsececneeseseeeneneeneeseneneeees 1/10, 1/1Input ImpedanceVITO ic ovedies oviedeeedebios teteisdoecados 10 MQ, 22pF +10%We Rear roeereereeer: peecrmenere 1 MQ, 200pF or lessInstruction Manual...........2.2--.cseeceeeeeeeneenees B50-7570-30Replacement FuseOLB A ssscccucaleenckoetSin verneecdeaunse oazescuts FO5-8015-05OLD A ccccisieclaasetlcSeteeetees tiesnctewectacene FO5-5022-05OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESProbe Pouch (MC-78)........:.:esscseecceseseneenens Y87-1600-00Fig. 28WasherGrommetPlungerMOUNTING THE PROBE POUCH (MC-78)This soft vinyl pouch attaches to the right side of theoscilloscope housing and provides storage space for twoprobes and the operators manual. Install the probe pouchas follows:1. Unsnap the probe pouch from the retainer plate.2. Align the retainer plate with the 4 holes on the right sideof the case, with the 3 snaps at the top.3. Attach the four corners of the retainer plate to theoscilloscope case with the four nylon rivets supplied.4. Attach the probe pouch to the retainer plate using thesnap fastener.Retainer Plate}nylon rivet29