Installation and Connection::W=iri=n=-g~c~on~n~ect~~io~n~-=--=--=--=--=-~=-:-------;-:-;-:--=--,=--------------~--~-~,~--:...=--=--=--=--=-=-=-=---:::=======;-iIll-"""' ..... - ©~-s e @ @ @,---ri:::====~ ~ ~__;;:;;._--+r-::::~--.--iOD1 Connect to the video out terminal of the front cameraw w i----~=--.....:~=--=-----f I F:~. CAMERAD...10 AfuseI L ·~~MIC© ©~l@@iI @ ~-a-L~===t-----1rr=i Connect the antenna cord to the antenna terminal~=i=~L----11USB terminal (1 m)L------r~(Uss7-'n::::sv_-::__:::_1-;-:5Ar--------f=l!"~0 \ Connect a USB devicePurple with white stripe REVERSE .,. To the car's reverse lamp harness when using the optional rear view cameraLight green • · (Bl) To the car's parking brake detection switch harnessExtension wire a .• rmll'l:I----__;:.:.:.:.;,;,:;,;.;,,;..;.;_.:.=;.;....____ .,. (For best safety, be sure to connect the parking sensor.)PRKSWWhite (±) / White with black stripe 8 .,. To front speakers (left) / Mid -range speakers (left) for 3-way crossoverb;G~ra~y~(±)~/~Gr~ay~w;;;i;th~b~la~ck~s~tr~ip=e=8======= .,. TO front speakers (right) / Mid-range speakers (right) for 3-way crossoverGreen (±)/Green with black stripe 8 .,. To rear speakers (left)/ Tweeters (left) for 3-way crossover=~Pu~rp~le~(±)~+~/~P~ur~p;le~w;it~h~bl~ac~k~st~rip=e=G======= .,. TO rear speakers (right) / Tweeters (right) for 3-way crossover.....:::Br:,::o.::.:.:..wn-----------,°MMlmim'"""i-:> .,. (Not used for this unit)."T""'iuu.i,~ .,. To the car light control switch~ IUUMI~~ Id)IL..:L:'.!ig:!.'.:h'..'!!:..:pe:.._____--tREM~oro~,NPUT~-==> .,. TO the steering wheel remote control adapter (not supp ieV 350 A) REMOTEcoNT To the ower control terminal when using the optional power amplifier (Or) .1.-..:B::lu~e~w:,::it'..'!:.ip.:..e:..:.(1.:..2..:.._--_-__m___:___HA:tc:~~:,rto .,. To the ~ontrol terminal of the motor antenna or to the power terminal for the booster amphfier of film-type antenna1L..:R:,:::e:,::d~(l:..:gn.::,:it:::io..:.:.n..:.:w.::.ire:.'..)___________ .,.Yellow (Battery wire) .. -----------------<11 Ignition key switchCar fuseBlack (Ground wire)© Car batteryENGLISH (ill