MILITARYUni ls purchased through lhe U.S.A. military exchange serviceoverseas may be serviced under warranty in the continentalU.SA, subject lo lhe following conditions.1) The original warranty is in elfecl.2) Proof of purchase is provided lo the servicer.WARRANTY FOR MILITARY MARKETJVC KENWOOD corporation is proud of lhe Quality andworl of ils audio equipment. This unit has been properlydesigned, tested and inspected before ii was shipped lo you. Ifproperly installed and operated in accordance with instructionsfurnished, iishould give you an optimum reliable performance.WARRANTY PERIODThis product is warranted for aperiod of (1) year from lhe daleol lhe original purchase.SCOPE OF WARRANTYExcept as specified below, this warranty covers all defects inmaterials and workmanship of lhe Kenwood brand products.During the warranty period , any aulhorized Kenwood ServiceCenter in the military marl Iisled in the back of !his warrantycard will provide you free-of-charge both parts and laborreQuired to correct any defect in materials or workmanship.The following are nol covered by !his warranty.1. Voltage conversions.2. Periodiccheck-ups which do nol disclose any defect coveredby the warranty.3. Cabinets, grilles , other exterior finishes, bells, tape heads ,and other non~durable parts and accessories.4. Uni ls on which lheserial number has been effaced, modifiedor removed .5. Installation and/or removal charges.6. Damaged magnetic tapes.7. House call charges for any repairs.8. Shipping or delivery charges lo or from an authorizedKenwood Service Center.9. This warrantywi II not cover any failure thal is due lo any of thefallowing conditions in aocordance with the visual inspectionof the authorized Kenwood Service Center:• Improper maintenance or repair, including the installation ofparts or accessories that do nol conlorm lo lhe quality andspecifications of the original parts.* Misuse, abuse, neglect, unauthorized product modificationor failure to follow instructions contained in the Owner'sManual.• Accidental or intentional damages.• Repairs or attempted repairs by an unauthorized agency.(All repairs must be pertormed al an authorized KenwoodService Center.)• Damages or deteriorations caused during shipment (Claimsmus! be presented to lhe carrier).• Damages or deteriorations resulting from removal and/or replacement.PURCHASER'S RESPONSIBILITIESAs lhe purchased of a new Kenwood brand product, you arerequested to do the following in order to obtain Kenwoodwarranty service.1. Retainyoursalessliporotherevidenceolpurchaseforprovingyour eligibility for requesting Kenwood warranty service.2. Make your unit available to an authorized Kenwood ServiceCenter in lhe military market for inspection and approvedwarranty service, or ship your unit in its original carton boxor eQuivalenl, fully insured and shipping charges the authorized Kenwood Service Center.Dear Customer,LIMITATION OF IMPLIEDWARRANTIESMy and all implied warranties, including warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, shall belimited in duration lo lhe length of this warranty.EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN DAMAGESKENWOOD's liability for any defective product is limited lothe repair or replacement of said product, at our polion, andshall nol include damages of any kind, whether incidental,consequential or otherwise, expect to the extent prohibitedby applicable law.KENWOOD AUTHORIZED SERVICECENTERS IN MILITARY MARKETJAPAN:YokotaKenwood Rep ,; c/oYokota BX, JAAX AAFES-PAC,APO San Francisco 96328ZamaKenwood Rep,; c/oZama PX, JAAX AAFES-PAC,APO San Francisco 96343MisawaKenwood Rep,; c/oMisawa BX, JAAX AAFES-PAC,APO San Francisco 96519YokosukaKenwood Rep,; c/oA-33, Yokosuka NEX No, 260-010FPO Seattle 98760AtsugiKenwood Rep,; c/oAtsugi NEX No. 260-020 FPO Seattle98767lwakuniKenwood Rep,; c/oMarine Corps Exchange, Marine CorpsAir Station,FPO Seattle 98764SaseboSasebo NEX;Navy Exchange 260-040F.A. Box 115 FPO Seattle 98766OkinawaKenwood Rep,; c/oOWAX, AAFES-PAC, APO San Francisco96230KOREA:Kenwood Rep,; c/oKOAX Repair Shop, AAFES-PACDD-Camp Market, APO San Francisco96488GUAM:Kenwood Rep,; c/oGuam NEX No. 230-010,FPO San Francisco 96630Kenwood Rep,; c/oGUAX, AAFES-PAC, APO San Francisco96334U.S.A.:In The Continental U.S. A.For Nearest Authorized Service Center;Tel: inquire at the military resaleoutlets where you bought yourKenwood products, orJVCKENWOOD DEUTSCH LAND GMBH:Konrad-Adenauer Allee 1-11, 61118 BadVilbel, GermanyThank you for purchasing this kenwood product. As mentioned in the pages of this booklet, our warranty is onlyvalid in the countries listed. If your country is not listed please contact your retailer for information on warrantyprocedure, or write to:JVC KENWOOD Customer Information Center3-12, Moriyacho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 221-0022, JapanWarranty CardAttention:ldenti lication du produitModelo do aparelho e numero de s~rieModel number & serial numberRevendeur & cachetNome da loja e carimboDealer & stampDate d'achtatData da compraPurchase daleNorn & adresse du clientNome eender~o do clienteName & address of customerThis card and receipt (or invoice) are necessary to purchase a new panel in case of theftor damage.Attention:Vous aurez besoin de cette carte et du re~u (ou de la facture) pour acheter un nouveaupanneau en cas de vol ou d'endommagement.Atenc;ao:Em caso de dano ou perda do painel frontal, este Certificado de Garantia ea Nota Fiscalde compra serao requisitados para a aquisi~ao de um novo painel.© 846-0824-00/06 (K) (22/04)