In-Car ConnectionsIn-Car ConnectionsOnce pairing is completed...• For iPhone compatible with wireless AppleCarPlayA confirmation message appears.– Touch [Yes] to display the Apple CarPlay screen forwireless connection.– Touch [No] not to use Apple CarPlay for thetime being. To use Apple CarPlay, select it on the screen.• For Android device compatible with AndroidAutoWhen [Android Auto] (initial) is selected for the setting (page 11),Android Auto is automatically activated, and thisAndroid device is registered as Android Auto device.– If Apple CarPlay is active currently, a warningmessage may appear, asking whether AndroidAuto or Apple CarPlay is to be used (depending oniPhone version).Pairing a Bluetooth device using a PIN code(for Bluetooth 2.0)1 Display the Home screen.2 Display the screen.From the Home screen (page 3), touch asfollows:Then, on the screen, touch as follows:[System] → : [Enter]On the screen, touch asfollows: : [Enter]3 Enter the PIN code.00001 2 34 5 67 80 Enter Clear9PIN Code Set• Initial PIN Code: [0000]• If you do not need to change the PIN code [0000],just touch [Enter].• To change the PIN code, see page 11.4 Search for the unit (“DMX809S” or“DMX8709S”) from your Bluetooth device.5 Confirm the request both on the deviceand the unit.On the device: Confirmation method varies for thedevice.On the unit:BT Pairing requestTo perform BT PairingPlease confirm the device displayDMXXXXXX (device name)012345 (PIN code)Pair CancelPairing is complete.To reject the request: Touch [Cancel].6 Register the usage of the Bluetoothdevice.• See “Registering the usage of the devices” onpage 9.8 ENGLISH PreviousNext |