English 23Traffic InformationUsing the built-in FM traffic receiver, the navigation system can receive and use traffic information. Whena traffic message is received, you can see the event on the map and change your route to avoid the trafficincident.Understanding FM TMC TrafficFM TMC traffic receivers receive traffic informationthat is broadcast over the FM Radio Data System.The FM TMC subscription activates automaticallyafter your navigation system acquires satellitesignals while receiving traffic signals from theservice provider. You can add other FM TMCsubscriptions at any time. Check the GarminWeb site at www.garmin.com/kenwood for otheravailable services.Traffic in Your AreaWhen you are receiving traffic information, atraffic icon appears in the upper-left corner ofthe Map page. The traffic icon changes color toindicate the severity of traffic conditions on yourroute or on the road you are currently traveling.Color Description MeaningGreen Low severity Traffic is flowingnormally.Yellow MediumseverityTraffic is slightlycongested.Red High severity Traffic is heavilycongested orstopped.Gray No data Traffic data hasnot updated.Traffic on Your RouteWhen calculating your route, the navigationsystem examines the current traffic andautomatically optimizes the route for the shortesttime. If a severe traffic delay occurs on yourroute while you are navigating, the navigationsystem automatically recalculates the route. Youmight still be routed through traffic if no betteralternative routes exist.If a non-severe traffic delay occurs on your route,the traffic icon shows how much time the delayhas added to your route. This time is alreadyincluded in your estimated arrival time.To manually avoid traffic on your route:1 On the Map page, touch the traffic icon.2 Touch Traffic On Route.3 Touch the arrows to view other trafficdelays on your route, if necessary.4 Touch Avoid to avoid the traffic delay.Viewing the Traffic MapThe traffic map shows color-coded traffic flowand delays on nearby roads.1 On the Map page, touch the traffic icon.2 Touch Show Traffic Map to view the trafficincidents on a map.ڥ To return to the normal map from the traffic map, touchthe traffic icon, and touch Show Normal Map.Viewing Traffic Delays1 On the Map page, touch the traffic icon.2 Touch Traffic Search to view a list of trafficdelays.3 Touch an item in the list to view the delayon a map and details about the delay. Ifthere is more than one delay, touch thearrows to view the additional delays.