EnglishEnglish 4544 EnglishDAB AnnouncementWhen the Announcement you have turned onstarts, any source is switched to theAnnouncement automatically.When the announcement starts...The Announcement screen appears automatically.Announcement screen1 Adjusts the volume.2 Calls the Sound Effects Menu. (see page 76)3 Switches the source.4 Calls the Setup Menu. (see page 49)DAB InformationThe DAB information is displayed.1 Displays the DAB information (such as Servicelabel, Ensemble label, Component label, Audioquality, Region label, and Dynamic label).2 Scrolls the information display.3 Returns to the DAB Tuner Menu.DAB InformationDisplay the DAB Information screen2MENUCall the DAB Tuner Menu1MENUFinancial NewsSRC 3421111DAB Tuner controlSearch for Program TypeThe services are received when you set itsprogram type.1 Selects a program type.2 Searches for the program type.3 Displays the Language select screen.4 Returns to the DAB Tuner Menu.Select a program type3PTY SearchCall the PTY Search Menu2MENUCall the DAB Tuner Menu1Display the Language select screen1 Selects a Language.2 Searches for the program type.3 Returns to the PTY Search Menu.Select a LanguageSRCHSearch for the program type4LANGSelect a Language223 1SRCHLANGRTN23411SRCHRTN231 1