NX-820182. When mounting the panel assembly, pass the flat cablethrough the hole of the chassis as shown below then con-nect the fl at cable to connector of the panel assembly.3. Fit the panel assembly into the two tabs of the chassistop side fi rst.Then, fit the panel assembly into the two tabs of thechassis bottom side by turning the panel assembly.3. Correspondence when replacing theLED (D22 and D23)When replacing the LED (D22 and D23), it makes it tolength.2. 安装面板组件时,如下图所示将带状电缆穿过底座的孔,然后将带状电缆连接到面板组件的连接器。3. 先将面板组件装配到底座顶侧的两个凸起内。然后,再通过转动面板组件,将面板组件装配到底座底侧的两个凸起内。3. 更换 LED (D22 和 D23) 时的相应操作更换 LED (D22 和 D23) 时,将 LED 的引线截到如下图所的尺寸。Panel assemblyPanelassemblyChassisChassisHole ofthe chassisDISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR / 维修拆卸面板组件底座 / 底座底座的孔 面板组件LED LED12mm13mmD22 D23