NX-82075. PC Mode5-1. PrefaceThe transceiver is programmed using a personal com-puter, a programming interface (KPG-46A/46U) and FPU(programming software).The programming software can be used with a PC. Fig-ure 1 shows the setup of a PC for programming.5-2. Connection procedure1. Connect the transceiver to the computer using the inter-face cable.Note:• You must install the KPG-46U driver in the computer touse the USB programming interface cable (KPG-46U).2. When the Power is switched on, user mode can be en-tered immediately. When the PC sends a command, thetransceiver enters PC mode, and “PROGRAM” is dis-played on the LCD.When data is transmitting from the transceiver, the redLED blinks.When data is receiving by the transceiver, the green LEDblinks.Note:The data stored in the computer must match the “ModelName” when it is written into the fl ash memory.5-3. KPG-46A description(PC programming interface cable: Option)The KPG-46A is required to interface the transceiver tothe computer. It has a circuit in its D-sub connector case thatconverts the RS-232C logic level to the TTL level.The KPG-46A connects the 8-pin microphone connectorof the transceiver to the RS-232C serial port of the comput-er.5-4. KPG-46U description(USB programming interface cable: Option)The KPG-46U is a cable which connects to a USB porton a computer.When using the KPG-46U, install the supplied CD-ROM(with driver software) in the computer. The KPG-46U driverruns under Windows XP, Vista or 7.The latest version of the USB driver is available for down-load from the following URL:http://www.kenwood.com/usb-com/(This URL may change without notice.)5-5. Programming Software : KPG-141D(C)(ver.3.00 or later) descriptionThe FPU is the programming software for the transceiversupplied on a CD-ROM. This software runs under WindowsXP, Vista or 7 on a PC.The data can be input to or read from the transceiver andedited on the screen. The programmed or edited data can beprinted out. It is also possible to tune the transceiver.5. PC 模式5-1. 前言车载对讲机采用个人电脑、编程接口 (KPG-46A/46U) 和FPU ( 编程软件 ) 进行编程。编程软件可在 PC 上使用。图 1 说明了 PC 进行编程的设置。5-2. 连接操作1. 用接口电缆将车载对讲机连接到电脑。注意 :· 必须在电脑上安装 KPG-46U 驱动程序才能使用 USB 编程接口电缆 (KPG-46U)。2. 电源打开时,可以立即进入用户模式。PC 发出命令时,车载对讲机进入 PC 模式,LCD 上显示“PROGRAM”。车载对讲机发送数据时,红色 LED 闪烁。车载对讲机接收数据时,绿色 LED 闪烁。注意 :电脑保存的数据写入闪存时,必须与“型号名称”相符。5-3. KPG-46A 说明 (PC 编程接口电缆 : 选购件 )将车载对讲机连接到电脑需要 KPG-46A。该电缆的 D-sub连接器盒具有将 RS-232C 逻辑电平转换为 TTL 电平的电路。KPG-46A 将车载对讲机的 8 针麦克风连接器连接到电脑的RS-232C 串行端口。5-4. KPG-46U 说明 (USB 编程接口电缆 : 选购件 )KPG-46U 是连接到电脑 USB 端口的电缆。使用 KPG-46U 时,请在电脑上安装附带的 CD-ROM ( 带有驱动程序 )。KPG-46U 驱动程序可以在 Windows XP、Vista 或7 下运行。最新版的 USB 驱动程序可以从下列的 URL 下载。http://www.kenwood.com/usb-com/(URL 会有没有预告发生变更的情况。)5-5. 编程软件 : KPG-141D(C) (ver.3.00 或更高版本 )说明FPU 是 CD-ROM 附带的用于车载对讲机的编程软件。该软件在 PC 的 Windows XP, Vista 或 7 下运行。可在车载对讲机上写入或读取数据,并可在电脑屏幕上进行编辑。可以打印编程或编辑的数据。此外,还可调谐车载对讲机。REALIGNMENT / 模式组合