NXR-80024FINAL UNIT (X45-3820-10)Ref. No. Part Name DescriptionIC1 Analogue IC Current monitorIC2 Analogue IC OP AMPIC3 MOS-IC Voltage regulatorIC4~6 Analogue IC OP AMPIC7 MOS-IC Temperature sensorIC8 Analogue IC OP AMPIC9 ROM IC E2PROMIC10 MOS-IC Power moduleIC11,12 Bi-polar IC Voltage regulatorIC15 Analogue IC OP AMPIC701 Bi-polar IC Voltage regulatorIC702 MOS-IC DC/DC converterIC703 Bi-polar IC Voltage regulatorQ2 FET DC switchQ3 Transistor DC switchQ4~6,8,14 FET DC switchD4 Surge absorber Surge protectionD5,6 Diode Surge protectionD7 Zener diode Overvoltage protectionD9,10 Diode DetectorD11,14~16 Diode RF switchD19 Zener diode Overvoltage protectionD902 Varistor Surge protectionCONTROL UNIT (X53-4130-10)Ref. No. Part Name DescriptionIC1 MOS-IC Shift registerIC2,3 MOS-IC MultiplexerIC4 MOS-IC CODECIC5 Bi-polar IC OP AMPIC6 MOS-IC Voltage regulatorIC7 MOS-IC OP AMPIC8 MOS-IC D/A converterIC9 Bi-polar IC OP AMPIC10,11 MOS-IC DC/DC converter controlIC12 Bi-polar IC OP AMPIC14 MOS-IC MultiplexerIC15,16 MOS-IC Voltage regulatorIC17 ROM IC Flash memoryIC18 MOS-IC Voltage regulatorRef. No. Part Name DescriptionIC19~21 Bi-polar IC OP AMPIC22 MOS-IC Shift registerIC23 MOS-IC Nand gateIC25 MOS-IC Analog switchIC27,28 MOS-IC BufferIC29 MOS-IC AF PAIC30 MOS-IC Nand gateIC31 MOS-IC DividerIC32,33 MOS-IC BufferIC34 Microprocessor IC MPUIC35 ROM IC ROM-ICIC36 MOS-IC BufferIC37 Microprocessor IC DSPIC38 MOS-IC And gateIC39,40 MOS-IC BufferIC41,50 MOS-IC And gateQ1 Transistor InverterQ2,3 FET DC/DC converterQ4,5 Transistor Clock shift switchQ6,7 Transistor AF mute switchQ8 Transistor Power switchQ9 FET Power switchQ10 Transistor Clock shift switchQ11 Transistor Buffer AMPlifierQ12 Transistor Clock shift switchQ13 Transistor Buffer AMPlifierQ14~17 Transistor DC/DC converterQ18 FET InverterQ19 FET Pull up switchQ20~23 Transistor Power switchQ25 Transistor OP CONT switchQ26 Transistor AF mute switchQ27~29 Transistor Buffer AMPlifierD1,2 Diode DC/DC converterD3~5 Diode Surge protectorD6 Zener diode Surge protectorD7~12 Diode Surge protectorD13 Zener diode Surge protectorD14~18,20,23 Diode Surge protectorD24,25 Varistor Current protectorD26 Diode Diode switchCOMPONENTS DESCRIPTION