2 HOW YOU ENJOY APRS WITH TH-D72A/E (WRITTEN BY BOB BRUNINGA, WB4APR)TH-D72A/E CONTENTS 9These views show the screens for a station with frequency included in his position packet. This is the11th station in the list and it is beaconing its operating frequency as well as a short note tellingeveryone he is also listening on Voice Alert in simplex range. The “MENU” button on this display willbring up a number of additional actions. One is the TUNE function shown in the middle displayabove. When TUNE is selected, then the radio automatically tunes to the second band frequency asshown in the 3 rd display.Voice Repeaters and Club InfoBesides alerting others to the voice monitoring frequency of other APRS operators, the addition ofthe Frequency field to APRS opened up a whole new application of local information for the mobileoperator. Now everywhere the APRS operator travels, he can be alerted to the recommendedtravelers voice repeater in any area he was passing through. This is accomplished by not onlyhaving every digipeater beacon its position and availability, but also by beaconing this local frequencyobject. These frequency objects show up in the station list of all mobile operators in range as shownbelow in the TM-D710A/E and TH-D72A/E front panels:On the TM-D710A/E station list as above, not only are the two stations of AB9FX nearby, but also hiscurrent VOICE operating frequency is visible. Also, we can see that this radio is in OPERATINGrange of three voice repeaters that are also identifying themselves as objects on APRS as the locallyrecommended voice operating channels. The TH-D72A/E on the right has two ham calls, two tacticalcalls and one repeater object. It is easy to find these nearby frequencies in the huge station list byfirst doing a SORT. This brings all the numeric objects (in this case, frequencies) to the top of the list.But there is more!The standard for these frequency objects also includes Tone, Shift, and bandwidth for instant tuning.In addition, they include the weekly on-air voice net times as well as the monthly club meeting datesas shown below: