TK-2107G44LEVEL DIAGRAM / 电平图Receiver Section / 接收部分Transmitter Section / 发射部分SG output level for obtaining 12dB / SINAD when injected to eachpoint through a 470pF coupling capacitor.Measure the 1st Local level on a RF VTVM.Modulate the AF level with a frequency of 1kHz and deviationof 1.5kHz (Narrow), 3kHz (Wide). Then take the signal from thesignal generator output when set to –53dBm and obtain thelevel shown on an AF VTVM when the AF output has been ad-justed to 0.63Vrms with the AF vol.Measure the audio frequency on an AF VTVM and radio frequencyon a RF VTVM at high impedance.Set the MIC input to obtain a modulation factor of 60% with thetransmit frequency at center and a modulation frequency of 1kHz.ANT L117L115L114C137 C262L208, L209,L2105RQ203R217L203,L214Q202R211 XF2001st Local0.1VrmsR210Q201 C212IC20016 9 10 7IC300AF VR4 10IC302 Q307SPRF (Center frequency) IF (38.85MHz) AF (1kHz)–116dBm –112.5dBm –100dBm –103.5dBm –107dBm –107dBm –105dBm 113mVrms 185mVrms 23.5mVrms 0.63VrmsMIC2 1 6 7IC500VR501D5C34 Q4Q6C44 C100Q100 Q101C104 C109Q102C116Q105 ANT5.0WAF VTVM RF VTVM12mVrms 390mVrms 120mVrms 0.16Vrms 0.17Vrms 0.53Vrms