14SIGNALING■ QT/ DQTThe Encoder/Decoder function uses QT/ DQT to segregatetalk groups, so users only hear calls from their own group.■ DTMFA DTMF PTT ID is included for dispatch operations orsimple remote control applications.The DTMF decode capabilities include Selective Call ID,Transpond with ID, and “Wild Card” Group Calling.■ FleetSyncUtilizing JVC KENWOOD’s FleetSync digital signalingprotocol, this transceiver has PTT ID and Selective Callingcapabilities for managed dispatch operations.For hazardous/hostile duty environments, a Side1 or Side2 key can be programmed for Emergency status to alert thedispatcher and/or operator in distress.■ MDC-1200The following features are available with the built-in MDCsignaling: PTT ID Encode, Emergency Encode, Stun/Revive Decode, and Radio Check Decode.■ STUNWhen a transceiver is lost or stolen (for example), yourdispatcher can transmit a stun code to that transceiver todisable transmission or transmission/reception. Stun can becancelled with a stun reset code.BEGINNING/ END OF TRANSMISSION SIGNALThe Beginning/ End of Transmission identification signals areused to access some repeaters and telephone systems. TheBeginning of Transmission ID signal is transmitted when youpress the PTT switch and the End of Transmission ID signal istransmitted when you release the PTT switch.