TK-314837ADJUSTMENT / 调整■ How to assemble the antenna connector and itsterminal.The antenna connector and its terminal are supplied asseparate parts.When replacing the antenna connector and/ or terminal,assemble the parts prior to the replacement.1. Mount the antenna connector onto the chassis ➀.• Double-sided adhesive tape is attached to the terminal; peeloff the tape cover ➁.• Attach the terminal to the antenna connector as shownbelow.• Slide the antenna terminal along the adhesive cushion onthe chassis so that the adhesive part on the terminal isfirmly attached to the antenna connector ➂.2. Remove the antenna connector from the chassis with itsterminal attached, then solder the center part of antennaconnector to its terminal ➃.Do not use excessive solder on terminal.12TOP /Bottomcushion34■ 如何组装天线连接器及其端子天线连接器及其端子是单独提供的部件。当更换天线连接器和 / 或端子时,在换上前先将其组装起来。1. 把天线连接器安装到底盘 ➀ 上。• 在端子上贴上双面胶,揭掉双面胶覆层 ➁。• 按下图所示把端子安装到天线连接器上。• 延底盘上的胶粘垫滑动天线端子,使端子上的胶粘部分牢固地与天线连接器 ➂ 粘接在一起。2. 把天线连同连接在上面的端子从底盘上拆下,然后把天线连接器的中心部分焊接到端子 ➃ 上。注意端子上不要使用过多焊料。