TK-31487REALIGNMENT / 模式组合5. PC Mode5-1. PrefaceThe TK-3148 transceiver is programmed by using a personalcomputer, programming interface (KPG-36) and programmingsoftware (KPG-74D CPS).The programming software can be used with an IBM PC orcompatible. Figure 1 shows the setup of an IBM PC forprogramming.5-2. Connection procedure1. Connect the TK-3148 to the personal computer with theinterface cable.2. When the POWER switch on, user mode can be enteredimmediately. When PC sends command the radio enterPC mode, and “PROGRAM” is displayed on the LCD.When data transmitting from transceiver, the red LED isblinking.When data receiving to transceiver, the green LED is blinking.Notes:• The data stored in the personal computer must matchmodel type, when it is written into the flash memory.• Change the TK-3148 to PC mode, then attach the interfacecable.3. Panel Test ModeSetting method refer to ADJUSTMENT.4. Panel Tuning ModeSetting method refer to ADJUSTMENT.2. How to Enter Each ModeMode OperationUser mode Power ONPanel test mode [A]+Power ONPC mode Received commands from PCPanel tuning mode [Panel test mode]+[S]Firmware programming mode [S]+Power ONMode FunctionUser mode For normal use.Panel test mode Used by the dealer to check thefundamental characteristics.Panel tuning mode Used by the dealer to tune the radio.PC mode Used for communication between theradio and PC (IBM compatible).Data program- Used to read and write frequency dataming mode and other features to and from the radio.PC test mode Used to check the radio using the PC.This feature is included in the FPU.See panel tuning.Firmware program- Used when changing the mainming mode program of the flash memory.模式 功能用户模式 一般用户使用。面板测试模式 用于经销商检查基本功能。面板调谐模式 用于经销商调整手持机指标。计算机模式 用于手持机与计算机(IBM 兼容机)之间的通信。数据编程模式 用于读出和写入频率数据以及其他功能。计算机测试模式 用于使用计算机检测。此特性包括在FPU 内。参见面板调谐。固件编程模式 当更新 闪速存储器 中的主程序时使用。2. 如何进入每一种模式模式 操作用户模式 接通电源面板测试模式 [A]+接通电源计算机模式 从计算机接收指令面板调谐模式 [面板测试模式]+[S]固件编程模式 [S]+通电3. 面板测试模式设定方式,参见调整。4. 面板调谐模式设定方式,参见调整。5. 计算机模式5-1.前言TK-3148 手持机使用计算机,编程电缆(KPG-36)和编程软件(KPG-74D CPS)进行编程。IBM 计算机或兼容机可以使用编程软件。图 1 显示 IBM 计算机编程的设置。5-2.连接步骤1. 使用编程电缆将 TK-3148 与计算机连接。2. 当接通电源时,立即进入用户模式。当 PC 机发出指令使手持机进入 PC 机模式时,“PROGRAM”出现在显示器上。当手持机发送数据时,红色指示灯闪动。当手持机接收数据时,绿色指示灯闪动。注释∶• 储存在计算机内的数据必须与写入到闪速存储器的格式相匹配。• 将 TK-3148 改变为计算机编程模式,然后连接编程电缆。