TK-314896-3. Programming1. Start up the firmware programming software (Fpro.exe).2. Set the communications speed (normally, 57600 bps) andcommunications port in the configuration item.3. Set the firmware to be updated by File name item.4. Turn the TK-3148 power ON with the [S] switch held down.When "PROG 57600" appears, release your finger from the[S] switch.5. Check the connection between the TK-3148 and thepersonal computer, and make sure that the TK-3148 is inthe Program mode.6. Press write button in the window. A window opens on thedisplay to indicate progress of writing. When the TK-3148starts to receive data. the [P] icon is blinking.7. If writing ends successfully. the LED on the TK-3148 lightsand the checksum is displayed.8. If you want to continue programming other TK-3148 s,repeat steps 4 to 7.Notes:● This mode cannot be entered if the Firmware Programmingmode is set to Disable in the Programming software (KPG-74D CPS).● When programming the firmware, it is recommend to copythe data from the floppy disk to your hard disk before updatethe radio firmware.Directry copying from the floppy disk to the radio may notwork because the access speed is too slow.6-4. Function1. If you press the [Side 1] switch (top of left side) while“PROG 57600” is displayed, the check-sum is displayed.If you press the [Side 1] switch again while the check-sumis displayed, “PROG 57600” is redisplayed.2. If you press the [Side 2] switch (bottom of left side) while“PROG 57600” is displayed, the display changes to “PROG19200” to indicate that the write speed is low speed (19200bps). If you press the [Side 2] switch again while “PROG19200” is displayed, the display changes to “PROG 38400”,and the write speed becomes the middle-speed mode(38400 bps). If you press the [Side 2] switch again while“PROG 38400” is displayed, the display returns to “PROG57600”.Note:Normally, write in the high-speed mode.REALIGNMENT / 模式组合注释∶● 如果在编程软件(KPG-74D CPS)中固件编程模式设定为禁用,则不能进入此模式。● 当进行固件编程时,在用户更新通信机固件之前,建议从软盘向硬盘复制数据。由于读取速率太低,所以直接从软盘复制到通信机可能无效。注释∶通常在高速率模式中写入。6-3.编程1. 启动固件编程程序(FPRO.exe)。2. 在配置项中设定通信速率(通常为 57600bps)和通信端口。3. 在文件名称项中选定新固件的文件名。4. 按住[S]键并接通 TK-3148 的电源。当“PROG57600”出现时,松开[S]键。5.检查TK-3148与个人电脑之间的连接是否正确,并且确认TK-3148 是否处于编程模式。6. 点击计算机程序上的写入按钮。屏幕上开启一个窗口显示写入的进程。当 TK-3148 开始接收数据时,[P]图标开始闪动。7. 写入完成后,TK-3148 上的指示灯发光,并且显示校验码。8. 如果用户需要继续编程其他的 TK-3148,重复步骤 4 到 7。6-4.功能1. 当显示“PROG57600”时,如果用户按下侧面 1 键(位于左侧的顶部),则显示 check-sum。如果显示 check-sum 时再次按下侧面 1 键,则显示“PROG57600”。2. 当显示“PROG57600”时,如果用户按下侧面 2 键(位于左侧的底部),则显示变为“PROG19200”,表示写入速率为低速(19200bps)。当显示“PROG19200”时,如果用户再次按下侧面 2 键,则显示变为“PROG38400”,表示写入速率为中速(38400bps)。当显示“PROG38400”时,如果用户再次按下侧面 2 键,则显示返回到“PROG57600”。