TK-33022Document CopyrightsCopyright 2008 by Kenwood Corporation. All rights re-served.No part of this manual may be reproduced, translated,distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other-wise, for any purpose without the prior written permissionof Kenwood.DisclaimerWhile every precaution has been taken in the preparationof this manual, Kenwood assumes no responsibility for er-rors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for dam-ages resulting from the use of the information containedherein. Kenwood reserves the right to make changes to anyproducts herein at any time for improvement purposes.GENERALINTRODUCTIONSCOPE OF THIS MANUALThis manual is intended for use by experienced techni-cians familiar with similar types of commercial grade com-mu ni ca tions equipment. It contains all required serviceinfor ma tion for the equipment and is current as of the pub-lication date. Changes which may occur after publicationare covered by either Service Bulletins or Manual Revisions.These are is sued as required.ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTSWhen ordering replacement parts or equipment informa-tion, the full part identification number should be includ ed.This applies to all parts : components, kits, or chassis. If thepart number is not known, include the chassis or kit numberof which it is a part, and a sufficient description of the re-quired component for proper identification.PERSONAL SAFETYThe following precautions are recommended for personalsafety:• DO NOT transmit until all RF connectors are verified se-cure and any open connectors are properly terminated.• SHUT OFF and DO NOT operate this equipment nearelectri cal blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.• This equipment should be serviced by a qualified tech ni-cian only.SERVICEThis transceiver is designed for easy servicing. Refer tothe schematic diagrams, printed circuit board views, andalign ment procedures contained within.Model Type TX-RX unit Frequency range RemarksTK-3302 K2,M2 X57-7580-22 470~512MHz IF1:38.85MHzLOC:38.4MHzTK-3302 K3 X57-7580-23 400~430MHzService Manual ListTitle Parts number Remarks Market codeTK-3302/3302(U)/3306 B51-8840-00 K,P,M,M3TK-3302 B51-8852-00This service manual SUPPLEMENT K2,K3,M2