5TK-3902-9. Temporarily Delete/AddIt is possible to delete or add channel temporarily duringscan. When scan stops on unnecessary channel for ex-ample by interference of the other party, activate the delete/add function (for example press the key), then that channelis deleted temporarily and scan re-start immediately.When you would like to add the deleted channel tempo-rarily to scan sequence, select the desired (deleted) channelduring scan, activate the delete/add function (for examplepress the key) before scan re-start.That channel is added temporarily to scan sequence. Thetemporary deleted or added channels are returns to pre-setdelete/add, when the transceiver exits from scan mode.3. Optional FeaturesYou can use these features using the programming soft-ware (KPG-38D).3-1. Alphanumeric Display (Group/Channel Name)The programming software (KPG-38D) enables you to setthe alphanumeric display for group/channel name. The totaltext size of group and channel name are 7-digits.For example, If you set 2-digits for group name, then youcan use 5-digits for channel name. The characters can beused as shown in Figure 1.3-2. Beep TonesThe beep tones (power on tone, control tone, warningtone, alert tone) are individually programmable to the fixedlevel 0 to 31 or follow the mechanical volume position.3-3. Minimum VolumeThe minimum volume is programmable (0 to 31). Thetransceiver remains the minimum volume level however themechanical volume position is set to zero.A B C D E F G H IJ K L M N O P Q RS T U V W X Y Z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 -All onFig. 13-4. BCL (Busy Channel Lockout) OverrideYou can transmit in spite of Busy Channel Lockout situa-tion. For example : To make an emergency voice call.To transmit under busy channel lockout situation, pressPTT once more within approx. 500ms after the PTT release.3-5. Selective Call Alert LEDYou can select whether or not the LED on the transceiverflashes in an orange color when Selective call was occurred.3-6. Battery WarningThis transceiver has battery warning feature. If the lowvoltage is detected during transmission, the transceiverwarns it by flashing red "LED".Then more low voltage is detected during transmission,the transceiver stops transmission and warns it by flashingred "LED" and beep.Please notice "standard" for the battery exchange, charg-ing time by flashing red LED and beep.3-7. Busy LEDYou can program the enable or disable the busy "LED"function when a carrier is detected. "Disable" saves batterylife.3-8. TX LEDYou can program the enable or disable the transmission"LED" function.3-9. 2-Digit 7-Segment DisplayYou can use 2-digit 7-segment the display to display thechannel number or group number. It is useful when themain (7-digit 13-segment) display indicates group or channelname.3-10. Invert DisplayMain (7-digit 13-segment) display and sub (2-digit 7-seg-ment) display can be programmed to invert display.It is easy to read the display when the operator sus-pended the transceiver on a waste belt. The operator alsocan change the display between normal and invert usingkey. Refer the invert display function of key function.3-11. Emergency Channel DisplayThe transceiver can be programmed to display "EMER-GENCY" channel name when it is in emergency mode.If you set to "off" by KPG-38D the transceiver shows se-lected group/channel/status before entering to the emer-gency mode however the transceiver is in an emergencymode.3-12. Clear to TranspondThe transceiver waits the transpond of 2-Tone/DTMF ifchannel is busy until channel open. This feature preventsthe interference to other party.3-13. External SpeakerIt can be selected if the receive sound is made by SP-MicSP or the main body SP at a SP-Mic mount.OPERATING FEATURES