6TK-61103-4. Sub LCD DisplayYou can use 3-digit 7-segment the display to display thechannel number. It is useful when the main (8-digit 13-seg-ment) display indicates channel name.3-5. Emergency Channel DisplayThe transceiver can be programmed to display “EMER-GENCY” channel name when it is in emergency mode.If you set to “off” by KPG-59D the transceiver showsselected group/channel/status before entering to the emer-gency mode however the transceiver is in an emergencymode.3-6. Clear to TranspondThe transceiver waits the transpond of 2-Tone/DTMF ifchannel is busy until channel open. This feature replies tothe transpond signal when the caller returns to receive.3-7. Mode (Enable/Disable)The transceiver has many special modes mainly for main-tenance.· Panel Test mode· Clone mode· Main programming modeIt is possible to set enable/disable for each mode. Werecommend to set these mode to Disable after set up tosave contents.3-8. IDThe transceiver is capable to have ID. The format isDTMF. The timing that the transceiver sends ID is program-mable.Begin of TX : Connect ID is send on beginning of trans-mission.End of TX : Disconnect ID is send on end of transmission.Both : Connect ID is send on beginning of transmissionand disconnect ID is send on end of transmission.Off : Sending ID function is disabled.There is also “PTT ID” setting for each channel. Refer“PTT ID” of channel feature.3-9. OST (Operator Selectable Tone)The transceiver is capable to have “OST” function and 16tone pair (QT/DQT) with max 8-digit name for each tone pair.• “OST” Back UpThe transceiver is programmable the selected “OST”code is memorized or not. If you set to Disable (no memo-rized), the “OST” function always starts at “off”.3-10. “TOT” (Time-Out Timer)The transceiver has the “TOT”. This parameter selectsthe period of time users can continuously transmit.When the selected period passes, the transceiver gener-ates an warning tone and stops the transmission.3-11. “TOT” Pre-AlertThe transceiver has “TOT” pre-alert timer. This param-eter selects the time at which the transceiver generates“TOT” pre-alert tone before “TOT” is expired.“TOT” will be expired when the selected time passesfrom a TOT pre-alert tone.3-12. “TOT” Re-Key TimeThe transceiver has “TOT” re-key timer. This timer is thetime you can not transmit after “TOT” exceeded. After“TOT” re-key time expired you can transmit again.3-13. “TOT” Reset TimeThe transceiver has “TOT” reset timer. This timer is theminimum wait time allowed during a transmission that willreset the “TOT” count.“TOT” reset time causes the “TOT” to continue evenafter PTT is released unless the “TOT” reset timer has ex-pired.3-14. SignallingSignalling “AND/OR” sets the audio unmute conditionfor any channel programmed with the option signalling (2-Tone/ DTMF).AND : “AND” requires both the valid option signallingand the programmed QT/DQT to be received for audio tounmute (and initiate an option signalling decode alert).OR : “OR” requires either the valid option signalling orthe programmed QT/DQT to be received for audio tounmute (an option signalling decode alert is only initiatedif the proper option signalling is decoded).4. Channel FeaturesYou can use these features using the programming soft-ware (KPG-59D).4-1. Alphanumeric Display (Channel Name)The programming software (KPG-59D) enables you to setthe alphanumeric display for channel name. The total textsize of channel name are 8-digits.The characters can be used as shown in Figure 1.A B C D E F G H IJ K L M N O P Q RS T U V W X Y Z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 -All onFig. 1OPERATING FEATURES