2 CONNECTING OPTIONAL DEVICESMOD (K)/Ver. 2.00 Confidential CONTENTS 5114. Configure the Function Port window.Select “None” from the External Devices (Port 1to 2) and External Devices (Port 3 to 8)dropdown lists, and check the Ignition Sensecheckbox.Figure 2-33 Function Port Window2.13 Using the Ignition Senseand Other Options2.13.1 Using the Ignition Sense1. Check the Function Port window > Ignition Sensecheckbox in KPG-99D.2. Remove R95 on the side A of the TX-RX PCB.3. Connect the KCT-39 cable to the transceiver.Refer to 2.3 Ignition Sense Cable for instructions onhow to connect the cable.4. Connect the KCT-39 cable to the Ignition Line ofthe car.5. Connect the pin 2 (pink) of the KCT-39 cable to theIgnition line of the vehicle.2.13.2 Using Ignition Sense with theScrambler BoardThe Scrambler board occupies CN3 having the IgnitionSense port when the Scrambler Board is installed.Therefore, the KCT-39 cable cannot be used.The pad for the Ignition Sense is prepared on theTX-RX PCB so that the Ignition Sense and ScramblerBoard can be used at the same time by soldering anormal cable to the Ignition Sense pad.Wires should not be stuck between the top panel andTX-RX PCB.The following figures show the wiring example.