2 CONNECTING OPTIONAL DEVICES52 CONTENTS Confidential MOD (K)/Ver. 2.00Note: Similar dustproof properties can be obtained regardless ofavailability of the KCT-39 cable. However, sufficient dustproofproperties cannot be obtained when a normal cable is used forthe Ignition Sense. Remove the resistor (R95) on the side A of the TX-RX PCB inthe same way to use the KCT-39 cable.2.13.3 Using the Transceiver withthe KDS-100 or KGP-2A/KGP-2BWhen KDS-100 or KGP-2A/ KGP-2B is selected fromthe Function Port window > External Devicesdropdown list, the Ignition Sense checkbox isautomatically unchecked.The transceiver cannot be turned ON when the IgnitionLine of KCT-31 is connected to KDS-100 or KGP-2A/KGP-2B since the Ignition logic level goes Low.There are 3 ways to use the Ignition Sense withKDS-100 or KGP-2A/ KGP-2B.1. Solder the cable to the Ignition Sense pad.Solder a normal cable to the pad in the same wayas when using the Ignition Sense with theScrambler Board.2. Cut the 2nd pin (pink) of the KCT-39 cable.Therefore, KDS-100 cannot be connected to thevehicle Ignition Line.Avoidexcessivestress onthissolderingpoint.Layout ofthe internalwiring.Lift up DC,then insertcable tieinto thePCBinternalslot justabove thecushionas shown.After DCbushing isinsertedintochassis,cable tie onthe ignitionacts as astopper tolimit stresson cableandsoldering.Solder theignition lineof vehicleto this pad.