20Time-ouT Timer (ToT)The purpose of the Time-out Timer is to prevent any caller from using a channelfor an extended period of time.If you continuously transmit for a period of time that exceeds the programmedtime set by your dealer (default is minute), the transceiver will stop transmittingand an alert tone will sound. To stop the tone, release the PTT switch.Your dealer can program the TOT time in the range of 5 seconds to 20 minutes.buSy chAnnel locKouT (bcl)When activated, BCL prevents you from interfering with other parties who maybe using the same channel that you selected. Pressing the PTT switch while thechannel is in use will cause your transceiver to emit an alert tone and transmissionwill be inhibited (you cannot transmit). Release the PTT switch to stop the toneand return to receive mode.SwiTching To TrunKing modeDepending on how your transceiver is programmed, you can return to TrunkingMode in one of three ways:Manual: Press the Clear key (default key is ■) to change the operating mode.Auto: While in Conventional Mode, the transceiver periodically searches for thenetwork. When it finds the network, the transceiver automatically changes toTrunking Mode. An alert tone sounds to notify you when the operating modechanges.Alert: While in Conventional Mode, the transceiver periodically searches for thenetwork. When it finds the network, an alert tone sounds. Press the Clear key(default key is ■) to change the operating mode.