16TK-790/(B)/H(B)INSTALLATION1. Contents• Front panel kit (KCH-10, KCH-11)Description and use of the knob supplied with the KCH-10/11• Optional voice scrambler functionVoice scrambler use and connection• Optional ANI functionANI board connection• Ignition sense cable (KCT-18)Description of the ignition function and timed power offfunction and connection• External speaker (KES-4)KES-4 connection method and modification for increas-ing the speaker output of the control head• Horn alert functionModification for changing the function of the ACC termi-nal for horn alert• Accessory terminal functionDescription and use of D-SUB 25-pin ACC terminals, “MI/DI” and “SB”• Connection with remote kitModification of the radio to use KRK-5, KRK-6DH, KRK-7DB, or KRK-8DBH2. Front Panel Kit (KCH-10, KCH-11)2-2. Connection with TK-790(B)/H(B)1. Remove the upper and lower halves of the case of theTK-790(B)/H(B).2. Connect the lead (W501) with a connector of the controlunit (X57-561 B/3) to CN1 of the KCH-10 or KCH-11.3. Install the KCH-10 or KCH-11 on the radio using thescrews (N32-3006-46) ( 1 ) supplied with the front panelkit. Take care not to get the lead between the KCH-10 orKCH-11 and an edge of the case. (You can install thepanel upside down if necessary to install the radio.)4. Reinstall the upper and lower halves of the case.5. Connection the short plug for the accessory connector(9-pins) on the rear of the radio.2-3. Install the accessory knobsWhen a function is set by the programming software(KPG-44D), the key legend can be changed by inserting theaccessory knobs into PF1 to PF9 of the KCH-11 (PF1 to PF5: KCH-10). The accessory contains a set of 30 knobs : AN, D/A, DIM, HA, HC, IC, MON, OPT, OST, PA, RCL, RPT, SCN,SP, SPM, SQ, TA, , , CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, AUX A,AUX B, AUX C, EMG, and blank.Fig. 111KCH-10 orKCH-11No. K29-5276-*3 K29-5277-*3 K29-5305-*31 AN RCL CH12 D/A RPT CH23 DIM SCN CH34 HA SP CH45 HC SPM CH56 IC SQ AUX A7 MON TA AUX B8 OPT AUX C9 OST EMG10 PA No printingFig. 2<>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10><GRPVOL CHPOWERTX BUSYPF1 PF2 PF3 PF4 PF5GRPPOWERTXVOL CHBUSYSCAN OPT OSTA B CMONCALL SPMONSCNPF1 PF2 PF3 PF4 PF5PF8 PF9PF6 PF7KCH-10KCH-11Fig. 3