12TK-885 INSTALLATION6. Rotate the control panel 180 degrees and mount it on thetransceiver. Refit the two halves of the case to completeinstallation. (Fig. 14)Fig. 141 23 4562. Fold the flat cable ( ) in the opposite direction ( ).3. Rotate the control section ( ) 180 degrees ( ).4. Insert the flat cable into the control section connector,CN502 ( ).5. Mount the control section on the transceiver ( ).CN502123456Fig. 138. External Speaker8-1. KES-3 : OptionThe KES-3 is an external speaker for the 3.5-mm-diam-eter speaker jack.• Connection procedure1. Connect the KES-3 to the 3.5-mm-diameter speaker jackon the rear of the transceiver.KES-3Fig. 158-2. KES-4 : OptionThe KES-4 is an external speaker used with the acces-sory connection cable.• Connection procedure1. Install the KCT-19 in the transceiver. (See the KCT-19section.)2. Insert the crimp terminal into the square plug suppliedwith the KCT-19.3. Connect CN5 of the transceiver to connector C of theKCT-19 instead of to the internal speaker connector.KES-413 6131512Crimp terminal(E23-0613-05)Black leadBlack/White leadFig. 16