4. Press the CALL key within10 seconds. A long beepwill sound and the F indica-tor will turn off in the dis-play. This indicates that thelower limit has been suc-cessfully stored in memory.. Now select the desiredupper tuning limit usingthe MHz key and tuningcontrol, or microphoneUP/DWN switches.With our example TM-431we want the upper bandlimit to be in the 435 MHzband, and therefore dial up435.560 MHz.. Press the F key for longerthan 1 second. The F indi-cator will again beginflashing.. Press the SHIFT/AL key wi-thin 10 seconds. A longbeep will sound and the Findicator will turn off in thedisplay. This indicates thatthe upper limit has beensuccessfully stored inmemory.For longer than 1 secondFlashingSHIFTAL8. To confirm that theprogramming was properlyperformed rotate the tuningcontrol or press the * 3 sedUP/DWN switches. The ;transceiver should not go YJ 69 8 Hyabove or below theprogrammed band limits.9. To clear both programmedlimits simultaneously youshould initialize the VFOmemory using the proce- re) |dures discussed on page10. You can reprogrameither limit independentlyby following the appropri-ate instructions above.Nota:An internal heterodyne tone resulting from internal mixingmay be encountered near by 1244.150 MHz.(TM-531A/531E only}