3-2. CONNECTION3-2-1. Mobile InstallationsCautions:1.Beforeinstallingthepowercabledisconnectthenega-tive leadfromthebatteryforsafety.2. After installation and wiring have been completed goback and check your work to ensure that you have notmade any errors, before you reconnect the negative bat-tery lead.3.Ifthefuseopensbe suretocheckthateachconductorisundamaged,then replacethefusewithoneof thesamerating.4.Aftercompletingthe wiring,wrapthefuse holderwithheatresistanttapetoprotect againstheatand moisture.5. Do not remove the fuse even if the power cable is toolong.A. Battery ConnectionsConnectthepowercabledirectlytothebattery terminals.Useof thecigarettelightersocketwilllead toapoor con-nection,andwillresultinpoorperformance.Playcloseat-tentiontothepolarity of the cableswhenconnectingthemtothebattery.RememberRedispositiveand blackisnega-tive !Make sure the positive (+) and negative (—) lead polarity is correctwhen connecting to the battery.aa Engine compartment~— }—+ Passenger compartment: Fuse(i =5) To thetransceivertChassis orfire waltB If the wiring hole in the fire wall or chassis is too small, disas-semble the fuse holder to thread the wire through the hole.From passengercompartmentThread like thisB. Ignition NoiseThis transceiver has been designed to suppress ignitionnoise, however, you may occasionally encounter an instal-lation where the use of suppressor type plugs might be calledfor.3-2-2. Fixed StationAregulatedDC power Supply(13.8VDC)isrequired.ThePS-430 or the PS-50 are recommended.CAUTION:1.Never connecttheAC powercable of thePowersupplytotheACoutletuntilallotherconnections have beenmade.