4-5-4. Programmable Band Scan1.Thelowerscanlimitshouldbe storedintomemorychan-nel15,andtheupperscanlimitshould bestoredintochannel16.CAUTION:tf the frequency in memory channel 15 is equal to or higherthan the frequency stored in channel 16 scan will proceedover the entire tuning range of the set, i.e. it will functionlike the Band Scan previously described.2.AdjusttheSQLcontro!tothesquelchthresholdpoint.3. Press the VFO key to select the VFO mode.4. Select a frequency between the two programmed scanlimits.5.PresstheVFOkeyforlonger than onesecond. TheMHzindicatorwillbeginflashingasavisualreminderthetran-sceiverisscanning.6. Scan will begin in an upwards direction. You can changethe direction of scan by turning the tuning control or bypressing the microphone UP/DWN switches.7.Scanwillstopwheneverasignalisreceivedthatwillopenthesquelchoftheradio.8. Press the PTT switch or any front panel key to stop scan.4-5-5. Memory Channel ScanIfyou wishtoscanthecontentsofthememorychannelsuse the following procedure:1. Adjust the SQUELCH control to the threshold point.2.Press theMRkeyforlonger than1second. TheMHzin-dicatorwillbeginflashingandthememorychannelindi-catorwillindicate thememorychannelsthatarebeingscanned.263. Scan will begin at the current memory channel and pro-ceed upwards thru the memory channels. You canchange the direction of scan by turning the tuning con-trol or by pressing the microphone UP/DWN switches.Only those memory channels that have data entered intoit will be scanned.4. Scan will stop whenever a signal is received that is capa-ble of opening squelch.5. To cancel scan press the PTT key or any other front panelkey.4-5-6. Memory Channel LockoutThis function allows you to specify which memory chan-nels you wish to scan during the memory channel scanfunction.1. Press the MR key to select the Memory Channel Mode.2. Select the Memory Channel that you wish to skip by turn-ing the tuning control or by pressing the microphoneUP/DWN switches.3. Press the F key for longerthan 1 second. The F indi-cator will begin to flash.Within 10 seconds of 43 96 40pressing the F key pressthe MR key. A * will ap-pear to the left of thememory channel number. baThis indicates the Memory 12)channel will be skippedduring the Memory Chan-nel scan mode.For longer than 1 second