PACKET-4Command Name Short Description Parameter DefaultDISPLAY DISPCauses the TNC to display the current status of all thecommands. You can also specify a class identifi er A, C, H, I,L, M, or T to display the status of only the desired commandclass. Enter a space between the command name and aclass identifier; ex. DISPLAY H.A (ASYNC): RS-232C port parametersC (CHAR): Special TNC charactersH (HEALTH): Counter parametersI (ID): ID parametersL (LINK): TNC-to-TNC link statusM (MONITOR): Monitor parametersT (TIMING): Timing parameters− −DWAIT DW Specifies the interval from no carrier detection until executionof transmission. The unit of the parameter is 10 milliseconds. 0 ~ 250 30ECHO E When ON, causes the TNC to echo received characters tothe computer. ON/ OFF ONEPATH EPATH Specifies digipeater callsigns to be added when the UISSIDparameter in a received packet is 10 or 14. Call1, ... call7 −EXTCLR EXTC Clears the contents of the TNC mailbox. − −FILE FI Displays the list of all messages in the TNC mailbox. − −FIRMRNR FIRThe other station sends a notice (packet) to you if it is notready to receive data. When ON, receiving such a noticecauses the TNC to suspend transmission until it receives a“ready” notice.ON/ OFF OFFFLOVER FLSpecifies the time delay from when the TNC buffer becomesfull until the TNC buffer is cleared. The unit of the parameteris 1 minute.0 ~ 120 0FLOW F When ON, starting key entry causes the computer to stopdisplaying received packets. ON/ OFF ONFRACK FR Specifies the interval from one transmission until retry oftransmission. The unit of the parameter is 1 second. 0 ~ 15 3FULLDUP FUWhen ON, allows the TNC to function in full duplex. WhenOFF, allows it to use data carrier detect signals to avoidpacket collision.ON/ OFF OFFGBAUD GB Selects 4800 or 9600 bps as the transfer rate between theTNC and the GPS receiver. 2400/ 4800/ 9600 4800GPSSEND GPSSSpecifies the content of data to be output to the GPSreceiver; this data is used to program the default settings onthe receiver. The output data is not stored in memory.0 ~ 159 characters −GPSTEXT GPST Specifies the type of a message to be determined by LTEXT. 0 ~ 6 characters $PNTSHBAUD HB Selects 1200 or 9600 bps as the transfer rate betweenpacket stations. 1200/ 9600 1200HEALLED HEALDetermines whether or not normal operations of the ROMare checked. When ON and if normal operations aredetected, “STA” and “CON” appear and blink alternately.ON/ OFF OFFHID HI When ON, causes the TNC to send an ID packet every 9.5minutes after digipeating. ON/ OFF ONID I Causes the TNC to send an ID packet. − −KILL KI Deletes specific messages in the TNC mailbox. − −KISS KISS When ON, entering a RESTART command causes the TNCto enter (or exit) KISS mode. ON/ OFF OFFLCSTREAM LCSWhen ON, changes a small letter (a through z) entered as astream designator, to a capital letter (A through Z). A streamdesignator must be entered immediately after STREAMSW.ON/ OFF ONLIST LI Displays the list of messages, in the TNC mailbox, other thanthose addressed to other stations. − −