4-3. TRANSMITTER OPERATIONPreset the controls as shown in the accompanying il-OFFPWR control: MINlustration.(i eer scr er ]POWER: a | 93. BB RBBBR-a8:switch: awaor :OFF (m) PHONES =MicrophoneMIC gain control: MINRF GAIN control: MAXOFF m)Note:REC(m@) = ALC( a}AllsegmentsontheDisplay Panelandindicatorsareshownanfor thisexplanation,4-3-1. PrecautionBefore transmitting check the frequency for activityso that you do not interrupt another QSO.4-3-2. SSB (LSB. USB) Mode1. Place the POWER switch ON.2.SettheMODEkeystoUSBorLSB.Byinterna-tionalconventionfrequenciesbelow10MHzutilizetheLSB(LowerSideband)mode,andfre-quenciesabove10MHzuseUSB(UpperSide-band).TheactualswitchoverpointontheTS-140S/680Sis9.5MHz.TheTS-140S/680Swillselect thepropermode whenyoutunetothedesiredfrequency.Youcan overridethisbysimp-lypressingthedesiredmadekey.3. Press the microphone PTT switch, or set thestandby switch to SEND. The ON AIR indicatorwill light.4. Set the PWR control to the desired level.5. Speak into the microphone and adjust the MICgain control so that the meter deflection does notexceed the ALC zone on voice peaks.Note:Adjustment using the ALC meter provides greateraccuracy than if you try and use the power meter foradjustment. Never adjust for ALC deflection abovethe ALC zone, as this will cause distortion of thetransmitted audio signal.ALC zoneNotes:1. Do not exceed the ALC zone on voice peaks.2.When using high gain microphones or pre-amplified microphones you might have difficultyin obtaining proper ALC meter readings, or youmight receive reports of audio distonion. To pre-vent this type of problem you should set the frontpanel MIC gain control to center and reduce thegain of the internal microphone gain contro}, byrotating the control clockwise, until the properALC reading is obtained. The adjustment of this__ control is described in Section 6-6-6,6. Turn on the PROC switch if required. (Please referto Section 4-3-6)7. Release the PTT switch, or place the standbyswitch to REC. The ON AiR indicator will turnOFF.4-3-3. FM Mode1. Place the POWER switch ON.2.Select the desiredfrequencywithin the28MHz/50MHzamateurradioband. (50MHz:TS-680Sonly)Place theMODEkeytoFM.3.Press themicrophone PTTswitchorplace thestandbyswitchtoSEND. TheONAIRindicatorwilllight.4.Set thePWRcontroltothe desiredlevel.5.Speakintothemicrophone,holdingthemicrophoneabout5cmawayfrom yourmouth.Closetalkingortalking too loudlymayreducetransmissionclarityorspread the sidebandstoomuch.6.Release thePTTswitch,orplace thestandbyswitchtoREC. The ONAIR indicatorwillturnOFF.19