Kenwood TS-680S Instruction Manual
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2. This function is not useful in the FM mode.A. SSB (LSB, USB) modeSpeak into the microphone and adjust the MICgain control so that the meter deflection does notexceed the ALC zone on voice peaks.B. AM modeSpeak into the microphone and adjust the MICgain control so that the meter indicates 80 watts.[50 MHz : 8 watts (TS-680S only}]4-3-7. VOX {Voice Operated Switch) (TS-680 only)Switching between transmit and receive can hevoice controlled in the SSB, FM and AM modes byusing the optional VOX-4 unit. The operators manualsupplied with the VOX-4 cantains instructions for itsuse. The processor should not be used when theVOX-4 is ON. When operating in the CW mode theVOX GAIN on the VOX-4 should be adjusted forminimum (OFF), since vaice inputs would tend tocause the radio to transmit.4-3-8. Data Communications (PACKET, AMTOR,RTTY, SSTV, etc.)1. The Accessory 2 terminal has been provided forconnection of Data communications devices. Allnecessary connections can be accomplished fromthe same connector.2. When using AFSK (Audio Frequency Shift Keying)or modulating the signal with any form of audiotones you should select LSB or USB. If F2 opera-tion is desired select the FM made. In general LSBis used for RTTY and PACKET communications inthe HF band (F 1}. and USB is used for AMTOR.3. The transceiver will transmit according to thesignals received on the STBY pin of the connec-tor. These inputs are generated by the terminalunit in response to inputs from the associated ter-minal input device.4. When using LSB, or USB the MIC gain controlshould be used to adjust the input level for an onscale ALC meter reading.5. Pin number 9 of the ACC 2 connector is used todisable the front panel microphone connector dur-ing the periods that your communication terminalis in use (grounding the pin accomplishes thistask). This prevents unwanted errors from enter-ing your text. In addition this pin is used to reducethe output level to 50 watts for the TS-140S/680S transceivers.Notes:1.No transmission should be attempted until youhave confirmed that all terminal unit connectionshave been properly completed according to the in-structions provided with that unit.2. If the output of the terminal unit causes the ALCmeter to register above the recommended limitseven with the MIC gain contro! turned all the waydown you should reduce the output of the ter-minal unit. Excessive signal levels can causedistortion! If the terminal unit output level is fixedyou should add a potentiometer between thetransceiver and the terminal unit. (Refer to Sec-tion 6-6-5 for further information.)3. While 100 watt transmissions are possible whenusing short duration modes such as PACKET con-tinued operation over a long period of time mightcause overheating. We recommend that youreduce the transmitter power output to 50 wattswhenever using one of these modes, i.e.,PACKET, AMTOR, RTTY. This is easily ac-complished thru the use of the front panel PWRcontrol.4-4. MEMORYTheTS-140S/680Sincorporatesaconvenient31channelmemorythatcanbeusedtostoreandrecallcommonlyused frequencies.4-4-1, Microprocessor back-up lithium BatteryA lithium battery is contained in the transceiver to re-tain memory. Turning off and POWER switch,disconnecting the power cable, or a power failurewill not erase the memory. The battery should lastfor approximately five years. When the batterydischarges, an erroneous display may appear in thedisplay. Lithium battery replacement should be per-formed by an authorized KENWOOD service facility;either your KENWOOD dealer, or the factory, sincethis unit contains CMOS type circuitry.Notes: —-1.When the lithium battery is replaced, themicroprocessor must be reset, using the pro-cedure in section 4-4-2.2.When the. lithium battery fails, the radio’smicrocoded functions are not affected. Only infor-mation stored in memory will be cleared.. Initial state and reset of the microprocessor.state of the microprocessor from the fac-Frequency ModeVFOA (YbGaE uss |VFOB (YEGeae usBMemory Channel .00 ~30B. Microprocessor resetThere are two methods for resetting themicroprocessor.1.Press andhold theA=Bkey andturn on thePOWER. RESET(-—--»--—}willbe heard fromthespeakerwhenthepower comeson toindicatethe resetoperation has been successfullyac-complished.Caution: ~All user programmed memory will be erased withthis operation.21 |
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