Example:Frequency (21.225 MHz) is transferred to theVFO. When the TUNING knob is turned, the fre-quency changes from this new frequency.use AVEOeicdSiéNotes:1.2.DataintheVFOisreplacedbythememarydata.Memorydataisnotlostduringthisoperation.In the Memory Scroll mode (M.SCR LED is lit),Memory Channel information can also be transfer-red to the VFO.4-4-10.TransferringmemoryinformationbetweenMemory Channels.Thefollowingproceduretransfersthecontentsofon1.@MemroyChanneltathe otherMemoryChannel.IntheVFOmade,presstheVFO/MkeytoselectNotes: __.1.To erase a Memory Channel when a emptyMemory Channel mode. This returns the MemroyChannel to the status, {mode, and frequency)prior to the VFO operation.2. Select the desired Memory Channel by using theM.CH/VEFO CH control.3. Press the M.IN key. The M.SCR indicator willlight.4.Use the M.CH/VFO CH control to select theMemory Channel that you want to transfer to theVFO.5. When the desired Memory Channel is found anddisplayed, press the M.IN key again. The currentfrequency, mode and antenna number will bestored, the Memory Scroll mode will be cancelled.Memory Channel is available, use the proceduregivin in 4-4-10 above.2. The various types of memory shift operations aredescribed below.Forexample,ifaSplitMemaryChannelisshiftedtoaprogramedbandmarker,thereceivingfrequencyof theSplitMemoryChannel!willbeshiftedtothelowest operatingfrequency,highestoperatingfrequency,andthesend/receive frequenciesoftheprogramedbandmarker.Transferringmemoryinformation|StandardSplitMemoryChannelProgramedBandMakertotheMemoryChannel |MemaryChan-!{10to19)(20to30)nel{00to09)oNTransmit and|Receivefre-|Transmitfre|LowestHighestTransmit and~s.receivefre{=quencyquencyoperatingfre-|operatingfre-|receivefre-MemoryChannelsmaquencyquency°—quency quencyStandardMemory]Transmit andre-ChJ|JJ)J Jannel(O0 to 09) ceive frequencySplit Memory | Receive frequencyProgramed Band |Highest operating |Marker (20 to 30) frequency |4411. Memory Channel SelectionChannel . J | J J(910019) Tyanemit frequency} a \ x xLowest operatingfrequency || i\ i \ x» x xTransmit andreceive frequency J J Jf].| *« | 3To select the desired Memory Channel:1.23Press the VFO/M key if the M.CH indicator does notappear in the display.. You can select the desired Memory Channel numberby rotating the M.CH/VFO CH control.. You can also use the UP/DWN pushbuttons an themicrophone to select the desired Memory Channelnumber.If all Memory Channels are blank a Morse code“EMPTY” will sound from the speaker to signify nomemory data is present whenever the M.CH/VFO CHcontrol is rotated.. If you wish to find out which Memory Channels areempty press the M.IN key and tum on the 1 MHzswitch. Now rotating the M.CH/VFO CH control willresult in the display of all empty Memory channels. Ifall Memory Channels contain data a Morse code"FULL" will sound from the speaker as a reminder noempty channels exist.4-4-12. Memory Channel Mode SelectionThe Programed Band Marker are the only ones thatallow the mode to be changed, while in the M.CH mode.The original contents of the Memory Channel will not bechanged on these Memory Channels even though youcan switch back and forth from mode to mode.4413. Memory channel/RIT relationshipsIf the RIT is ON when you switch to M.CH mode the RITfunction will be tumed OFF until you retum to VFOoperation automatically by the microprocessor. 25