4-4-5. Memory Channel RecallFixed channel type recall is possible when using theVFO/M key to recall Memory Channel information.The stored frequency cannot be changed.The following procedure shows how to recall a chan-net.1. During VFO operation, press the VFO/M key tainitiate Memory Channel operation. This causesthe Memory Channel to return to the status{mode, and frequency) prior to the Memary Chan-nel operation.Example:When 14.175 MHz is stored in Memory Channel03.usp) M.CHo7 (44 9G2. Select a Memory Channel by using the M.CH/VFOCH control, or SPLIT key.Example:When Memory Channel 08selected.(28.800 MHz) isuse M.CH3 onceacGaea”a3.1f you press the VFO/M key again, the originalVFO operating information will be restored.4-4-6. Checking highest and lowest operating fre-quenciesThe highest and lowest operating frequencies storedin Channels 20 to 30 can be checked by the follow-ing method.1. During VFO operation, press the VFO/M key to in-itiate Memory Channel operation.2. Select the desired Memory Channel by using theM. CH/VFO CH control.3. Press the BAND UP switch.4. Press the BAND DOWN switch.§.To return to normal VFO operations press theVFO/M key:4-4-7. Clearing a Memory ChannelTo erase a specific Memory Channel:1. Press and hold the CLEAR key for approximately1.5 seconds.2. Transfer data from an empty Memory Channel tothe Memory Channel you wish to clear. (Pleaserefer to Section 4-4-10 for additionalinformation.)4-4-8. Memory Channel ScrollThe following procedure provides a method to checka Memory Channel Frequency without changing or24loosing the current receive frequency.124.DuringMemoryChanneloperation,presstheVFO/MkeytochangetoselectVFOoperation.- Press the M.IN key once to initiate Memory Scroll.The M.SCR indicator lights, and the MemoryChannel Frequency is displayed. (Although thedisplayed frequency will change, actual receptionwill be at the previous frequency (that is, the fre-quency before the M.IN key is pressed) of theVFO.).SelectaMemoryChannelusingtheM.CH/VFOCHcontrol.The frequencystoredintheMemoryChannelwillbe displayed.-ToclearMemoryScrolloperation, presstheCLEARkeyortheMINkeyagaintorestoreMemoryChanneloperation.-4-9.TransferringMemoryInformationtotheVFO,ThefollowingproceduretransfersthecontentsoftheMemoryChanneltotheVFO.1. IntheVFOmode,presstheVFO/MkeytosettheMemoryChannel mode.This returns theMemoryChanneltothe status(mode, and frequency)priortotheVFOoperation.TotransferthememorycontentstoaVFOwhichisnotcurrentlyoperating, presstheA/Bkeybefore pressingtheVFO/Mkey,inordertoswitchtothe desiredVFO.Example:When14.175MHzisstoredinMemoryChannel03.usa ML.CHngo, (4 9GE- Select the desired Memory Channel by using theM.CH/VFO CH control, or SPLIT key.Example:Memory Channel 06 containing 21.225 MHz isselected.use M.CH6e242 2S.G3. Press the M » V key. The contents of the MemoryChannel will be transferred to the VFO and opera-tion changes te the VFO mode.If you transfer the contents of one of the Split Fre-quency Memory Channels to the VFO, thetransceiver will automatically select the SPLITmode.Notes:1, When the M » V key is pressed, the contentsof the VFO are cleared but the contents of theMemory Channel will not be cleared.2.\f nothing is stored in the selected MemoryChannel, only the channel number is displayed;no transfer is carried out.