jll,ll.llllll.(lllll.~,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,~,,,,,,.,,,,,,.~,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.~,,,,,.~,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.‘,,,,,.~,,,,,.,,,,,,.‘,,,,,.,“,,,., ,111 I., w, I., ,111 ,.I ,111 I., ,111 ,.I ,111 ,.,,,,, ,., ,111 I.4111, ,., ,u, I., ,,,,,., M,, m ,111 ,.I ,111 I .,,,w. I,,,,, * ,111,. ‘ ,,,,,&iSECTION 7. TROUBLE SHOOTING ii :iSYMPTOMS CAUSE COUNTERMEASUREN o receiver n o i s e f r o m s p e a k e r i n F M Squelch circuit is ON. Turn SQUELCH control counterclockwise.mode.Transceiver is connected to antenna, but 1. A n t e n n a c o n n e c t o r s f o r 1 4 4 a n d 1. Check antenna and connect correctly.n o Signal i s r e c e i v e d , w h i l e “ S ” meter 4 3 0 M H z b a n d s a r e n o t c o n n e c t e dpointer remains deflected. correctly.2. Squelch is ON. 2. Turn squelch control counterclockwise.3. Microphone PTT switch is depressed. 3. Set PTT switch to receive Position.Even in the absence of Signal, “S” meter RF GAIN control is set too low. Turn RF GAIN control fully clockwise.pointer remains deflected.SSB Signal is being received but speaker. Transceiver is set for opposite side band. Set MODE switch to LSB or USB.RIT control inoperative. RIT switch is OFF. Set RIT switch to ON (indication of digitaldisplay remains the Same).SSB receive Signal is in “high Cut” or “low Maladjustment of IF SHIFT. S e t t h e c o n t r o l i n t h e Center (detent)Cut”. Position.~--.No transmit output (SSB). 1. Poor contact of MIC jack or plug. 1. Connect the microphone plug securely.2. SSB MIC control in minimum Position. 2. Turn SSB MIC control clockwise.No transmit output (CW). 1. I m p r o p e r c o n n e c t i o n o f K E Y jack or 1. Connect the KEY securely.poor contact of KEY.2. CARL control in minimum Position. 2. Turn CAR.L control clockwise.No side tone during CW Operation. S-TONE control in minimum Position. Turn the S-TONE control clockwise.No FM modulation or insufficient modula- FM-MIC control in minimum Position. Turn FM-MIC control clockwise.tion.--~-VOX not operating. 1. VOX switch is OFF. 1. Set VOX switch to ON.2. VOX GAIN control in minimum Position. 2. Turn VOX GAIN control clockwise.Sound Stops when dial is turned quickly in PLL unlock circuit is operating; this is normal and is not an indication of trouble.F.STEP ON.C h a n n e l scanned f i r s t i s n o t c l e a r l y When Signal is present in the first channel, the scan busy Stops (FM, FM-CH mode). Setindicated when MS switch is set to ON. MS switch to ON once again, or wait until the scan complets one cycle.Scan does not continue when F.LOCK is Scan Operation is effected even when F.LOCK is ON. The BAND UP/DOWN is possibleON or BAND SW is depressed. during scan Operation.~- -UP/DOWN Speed is slow when dial is turn- The Speed is controlled by the dial.ed during continued UP/DOWN of BAND. -R X frequency which is not shifted is stored Unshifted RX frequency is stored during repeater Operation.w h e n T X f r e q u e n c y i s s t o r e d duringrepeater Operation.When VFO A is 433.00 MHz and VFO B is Repeater Operation at A-R and B-R is complex. Use the A or B Position.1 4 5 . 0 0 MHz during r e p e a t e r O p e r a t i o n ,the display flickers (VFO A and B are in-d i c a t e d a l t e r n a t e l y ) a t function A - R T XOFF SET ” -” or ” + ” and REV SW ON.When the power switch is set to OFF and Set the power switch to ON more than 10 seconds after it has been set to OFF.ON without using the backup circuit, VFOand memory CH are not reset properly.When their is a faulty indication. Set the power switch to OFF (when using the back-up function, this should be done afterremoving the batteries), and reset it to ON after a few seconds. Check that the switchhas been correctly reset before inserting the batteries.22