SECTION 1. FEATURES1. 144/430 M H z , a l l m o d e ( F M , S S B ( U S B , LSB), CW)transceiver.0 8 bit microprocessor controlled VFO and full variety ofauxiliary functions.0 F M c i r c u i t r y b a s e d o n K E N W O O D ’ s a d v a n c e dtechnology and outstanding SSB quality.0 Buit-in VOX.0 Buit-in s i d e t o n e a n d C W c i r c u i t r y capable of semi-break-in Operation.0 Adoption of power module in the transmitter final Stagefor dependable Operation on both bands.2. Built-in digital display that indicates operating frequencyin all modes.0 D i g i t a l d i s p l a y e q u i p p e d w i t h e a s y - t o - r e a d g r e e nPhosphor tubes.0 7 - d i g i t d i g i t a l d i s p l a y t h a t d i r e c t l y r e a d s d o w n t o100 Hz.0 Frequency indicator that reads out carrier positionswhen mode of Operation is changed.0 Two VFO’s (A and BI are built into the transmitter formore enjoyable Operation such as “Cross-frequency”Operation.0 Buit-in 1 0-channel memory circuit stores operating fre-quencies and bands. Two channels (CH9 and CH10)can be called out by using CALL channel switch.0 Easy-to-read display indicated 2 VFO’s ( R, b ), memorychannels ( 1 -~8 ) and priority channels ( c and c )0 Display function that clears frequency below 1 kHz inFM-CH.3. Dependable electrical and mechanical functions0 VFO frequencies are switchable in 2 Speeds, SLOW (in12.5 kHz, FM-CH) and FAST (in 5 kHz, FM-CH).0 VFO knob equipped with variable torque mechanism.0 Pushbutton band select switched (UP and DOWN) thatshift up and shift down frequency between 144 MHzand 440 MHz in 12 bands at 1 MHz intervals.0 Wide band design for both transmitter and receiver thateliminates the need for tuning the RF circuits.0 Panel layout based on human engineering.0 Full variety of indicating functions to check operatingconditions (OFFSET, ON AIR, BUSY, F.LOCK, RIT,F.STEP).0 Amplified type AGC and ALC circuits that maintainreceive and transmit Outputs at constant level withoutdistortion.4. A multitude of auxiliary functions for more enjoyableOperation.0 The use of RAM memory System enables any given fre-quencies to be stored in or cleared. (IO memory chan-nels).0 Built-in back-up battery holder to keep data stored at alltimes.0 Built-in memory scan for selection between 144 MHzand 430 MHz.0 RIT circuit function on VFO, memory channels andpriority channels.0 Adoption of frequency lock circuit.0 A repeater shift circuit is provided, and the shift widthon the 144 MHz band is - 600 kHz or + 600 kHz, andthat on the 430 MHz band is - 7.6 MHz or - 1.6 MHz,which may be selected as required. The tone frequencyis 1,750 kHz. In the event of off band, the digitaldisplay goes out and transmission is halted.0 K E N W O O D ’ s u n i q u e n o i s e b l a n k e r ( N B ) c i r c u i t t oeliminate pulse type noise.0 Four-function meter serves as S meter, RF meter, ALCmeter and Center meter.0 RF power HIGH/LOW selecting function provides conve-nience in transmission with local stations in FM.0 Auxiliary (AUX) socket.5. Designed for fixed and mobile Station Services.0 ACIDC 2-way power Operation.0 Equipped with a grip for carrying convenience.0 Sufficient AF output power (2.5 W/4 9).0 Built-in large sized speaker (7.5 cm). External speakerconnecting jack.3