3-l. FRONT PANEL1 F. LOCK IndicatorThis indicator will light when the LOCK switch is turned ON(VFO frequency is locked).2 B U S Y I n d i c a t o rThis indicator lights when the squelch is open in FM or.FM-CH receive mode, allowing the Operator to check whetherthe other Station is transmitting.3 O N A I R I n d i c a t o rThis indicator will light during transmission.4 O F F S E T I n d i c a t o rThis indicator lights when the TX OFFSET switch is set tothe D - A or D - B Position for repeater Operation.5 M e t e rThis meter has four functions, each being selected by usingthe meter select switch.RFIS: The meter serves as “S” meter indicating thestrength of received Signal on a scale graduatedfrom 1 to 10 (FM), or 1 to 9, 9+20 dB and9+40 dB (SSB CW).23456789101 11 2131415161 718192 02 12223242 52627282 93 03 132333 435363738394 0F. LOCK IndicatorBUSY IndicatorON AIR IndicatorOFFSET IndicatorMeterTX-OFFSET SwitchREV (Reverse) SwitchTONE SwitchLOW POWER SwitchNB (noise blanker) SwitchMeter SwitchVOX SwitchStandby SwitchPOWER SwitchMIC ConnectorPHONES JackMODE SwitchPRIO. M SwitchTIGHT LevelF. STEP IndicatorTuning KnobFUNCTION SwitchMEMORY SelectorS S B M I CRIT IndicatorRIT ControlI F S H I F T K n o bS Q U E L C H C o n t r o lSCAN-WAF GAIN ControlRF GAIN ControlF. STEP SwitchRIT SwitchSCAN SwitchH O L DM. S SwitchBAND SwitchM (Memory) SwitchF. LOCK SwitchM. R (Memory Recall)SwitchDuring transmission, the meter indicates RFoutput.ALC/CEN: In FM receive mode (MODE switch in FM, FM-CH position), the meter functions as a Centermeter. T u r n t h e V F O k n o b t o y o u r d e s i r e dr e c e i v e Signal u n t i l t h e meter pointer i scentered.In other operating mode (SSB, CW), the meterindicates the transmitter ALC voltage. In SSBOperation, adjust the MIC gain control so thatthe meter pointer deflects within the ALC zoneon the scale. In CW Operation, adjust the CAR.L knob.6 T X - O F F S E T S w i t c hThis switch is used to shift the TX frequency from the RXfrequency for repeater Operation. After the repeater opera-tion, it should be set to the SIMP Position; the TX frequen-cy will coincide with the RX frequency. In case of Off-band,the frequency is not shifted and the transceiver is set insimplex mode.5