Performance Tests - Verifying Specifications 1Keysight 53147A/148A/149A Assembly Level Service Guide 432 Connect an Keysight 10503 series cable between the Keysight E9635A adapteron the Keysight 53147A/148A/149A’s Power Meter OUTPUT connector andthe CHANNEL 1 input connector on the Keysight 53150A/51A/52A FrequencyCounter.Figure 1-7 Reference Oscillator Frequency Adjustment Setup3 Set the Keysight 53150A/51A/52A Frequency Counter to measure frequencyon Channel 1.4 Turn on the Keysight 53147A/48A/49A’s internal power reference oscillator:Press Shift + Menu, use the up and/or down arrow keys to cycle through themenu to PWR REF, press the right-arrow key, then use the up ordown arrow key to change the setting to ON, and press the Enter key.The Pwr Ref annunciator should now be activated.5 Record the power reading shown on the Keysight 53150A/51A/52A for “Test4” in the “Performance Test Record” on page 51.6 Mark Pass or Fail for “Test 4” in the Performance Test Record.CHANNEL1CHANNEL2POWERFREQPOWERStandbyGHz MHz kHz HzGateRelFreq RelPwrdBm/ WChannel 2 50 MHz to 20 GHzDAMAGE+27 dBm50 1M DAMAGE+30 dBm10 Hz to 125 MHz20 GHz CounterMODIFYReset/LocalHPIBPwrOffseFreqOffseMenuOn/OffEnterResol+/-AvgClearRateShiftChanSelectOffseOn/OffOffseOn/OffDisplayPower53150ACh 12Rel FreqOffsetAvg OnRel PwrOffsetdBdBmWattsmWuW%Ext RelErrorShiftHoldRate Rmt SRQKeysight E9635AAdapter onPower Reference OscillatorOutput ConnectorKeysight53147A/48A/49A Keysight53150A/51A/52AMicrowave Frequency CounterChannel 1InputNOTE The reference oscillator is normally off. It is turned on automatically duringcalibration and then turned back off when calibration is complete. Setting PWRREF in the 53147A/148A/149A’s menu to ON turns the power referenceoscillator on, and it remains on until the PWR REF menu setting is returned toOFF. When you calibrate the Power Meter with PWR REF set to ON, the powerreference oscillator remains on after calibration is complete.