:MEASure Commands20Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide357 ::=integerThis command defines the behavior of the :MEASure:DELay? query by specifyingthe start and stop edge to be used. specifies the slope and edgenumber on source1. specifies the slope and edge number onsource2. The measurement is taken as:delay = t() - t():MEASure:DEFineTHResholdsCommand Syntax:MEASure:DEFineTHResholds,[,spec>::= {STANdard}| {,,,}mode>::= {PERCent | ABSolute}for = PERCent:,, ::= A number specifying the upper, middle,and lower threshold percentage valuesbetween Vbase and Vtop in NR3 format.for = ABSolute:,, ::= A number specifying the upper, middle,and lower threshold absolute values inNR3 format.•STANdard threshold specification sets the lower, middle, and uppermeasurement thresholds to 10%, 50%, and 90% values between Vbase andVtop.•Threshold mode PERCent sets the measurement thresholds to any user-definedpercentages between 5% and 95% of values between Vbase and Vtop.•Threshold mode ABSolute sets the measurement thresholds to absolute values.ABSolute thresholds are dependent on channel scaling (:CHANnel:RANGeor":CHANnel:SCALe"on page 219:CHANnel:SCALe), probe attenuation(:CHANnel:PROBe), and probe units (:CHANnel:UNITs). Always setthese values first before setting ABSolute thresholds.Query Syntax:MEASure:DEFine?[, ::={DELay | THResholds}The :MEASure:DEFine? query returns the current edge specification for the delaymeasurements setup or the current specification for the thresholds setup.Return Formatfor = DELay:NOTEThe :MEASure:DELay command and the front-panel delay measurement use an auto-edgeselection method to determine the actual edge used for the measurement. The:MEASure:DEFine command has no effect on these delay measurements. The edges specifiedby the :MEASure:DEFine command only define the edges used by the :MEASure:DELay? query.