636 Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide28 :WAVeform CommandsThere are four types of waveform acquisitions that can be selected for analogchannels with the :ACQuire:TYPE command (see page 189): NORMal, AVERage,PEAK, and HRESolution. When the data is acquired using the :DIGitize command(see page 143) or :RUN command (see page 159), the data is placed in thechannel buffer of the specified source.Once you have acquired data with the :DIGitize command, the instrument isstopped. If the instrument is restarted (via the programming interface or the frontpanel), or if any instrument setting is changed, the data acquired with the :DIGitizecommand may be overwritten.You should first acquire the data with the :DIGitizecommand, then immediately read the data with the :WAVeform:DATA? query (seepage 642) before changing any instrument setup.A waveform record consists of either all of the acquired points or a subset of theacquired points. The number of points acquired may be queried using:ACQuire:POINts? (see page 182).Helpful Hints:The number of points transferred to the computer is controlled using the:WAVeform:POINts command (see page 645). If :WAVeform:POINts MAXimum isspecified and the instrument is not running (stopped, in other words), all of thepoints that are displayed are transferred. This can be the full oscilloscopeacquisition memory in some operating modes. You can ask for fewer points tospeed data transfers and minimize controller analysis time. The :WAVeform:POINtsmay be varied even after data on a channel is acquired. However, this decimationmay result in lost pulses and transitions. The number of points selected for transferusing :WAVeform:POINts must be an even divisor of 1,000 or be set to MAXimum.:WAVeform:POINts determines the increment between time buckets that will betransferred. If POINts = MAXimum, the data cannot be decimated. For example:• :WAVeform:POINts 1000 — returns time buckets 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ,.., 999.• :WAVeform:POINts 500 — returns time buckets 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ,.., 998.• :WAVeform:POINts 250 — returns time buckets 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 ,.., 996.• :WAVeform:POINts 100 — returns time buckets 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 ,.., 990.Analog Channel DataNORMal DataNormal data consists of the last data point (hit) in each time bucket. This data istransmitted over the programming interface in a linear fashion starting with timebucket 0 and going through time bucket n - 1, where n is the number returned bythe :WAVeform:POINts? query (see page 645). Only the magnitude values of eachdata point are transmitted. The first voltage value corresponds to the first timebucket on the left side of the screen and the last value corresponds to the