:MEASure Commands 20Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 359:MEASure:DELay(see page 798)Command Syntax :MEASure:DELay [][,], ::= {CHANnel | FUNCtion | MATH | WMEMory} ::= 1 to (# analog channels) in NR1 format ::= 1-2 in NR1 formatThe :MEASure:DELay command places the instrument in the continuousmeasurement mode and starts a delay measurement.The measurement is taken as:delay = t() - t()where the definitions are set by the :MEASure:DEFine commandQuery Syntax :MEASure:DELay? [][,]The :MEASure:DELay? query measures and returns the delay between source1 andsource2. The delay measurement is made from the user-defined slope and edgecount of the signal connected to source1, to the defined slope and edge count ofthe signal connected to source2. Delay measurement slope and edge parametersare selected using the :MEASure:DEFine command.Also in the :MEASure:DEFine command, you can set upper, middle, and lowerthreshold values. It is the middle threshold value that is used when performing thedelay query. The standard upper, middle, and lower measurement thresholds areNOTE The :MEASure:DELay command and the front-panel delay measurement differ from the:MEASure:DELay? query.The delay command or front-panel measurement run the delay measurement in auto-edgeselect mode. In this mode, you can select the edge polarity, but the instrument will select theedges that will make the best possible delay measurement. The source1 edge chosen will bethe edge that meets the polarity specified and is closest to the trigger reference point. Thesource2 edge selected will be that edge of the specified polarity that gives the first of thefollowing criteria:• The smallest positive delay value that is less than source1 period.• The smallest negative delay that is less than source1 period.• The smallest absolute value of delay.The :MEASure:DELay? query will make the measurement using the edges specified by the:MEASure:DEFine command.